

  • 剧情 爱情 电影 
  • 索菲·罗伊斯 乌多·基尔 米兰·赫尔姆斯 尼可拉斯·布里代 
  • 安娜60岁了,她的演艺鼎盛时期已经过去了。她独自生活,但楼下的邻居米歇尔是她的朋友和知己,米歇尔也是单身。安娜不情愿地接受了一份为17岁的阿德里安做语言教练的工作,阿德里安有语言障碍,有点不适应。她认Anna is 60 and her acting heyday is now behind her. She lives on her own but has a friend and confidant in her downstairs neighbour Michel, who is also single. Reluctantly, Anna accepts a job as a language coach for 17-year-old Adrian who has a speech impediment and is something of a misfit. She recognises him as the boy who recently snatched her handbag in the street ... “Irresistible” is the term that springs to mind when describing this light-footed and humorous story of an impossible love affair between a thief and a lady. Director Nicolette Krebitz handles the fragile balance between the dictates of society and the heart with great care. The fresh breath of freedom blows through a narrative that makes room for a nod to old West Berlin, some gentle teasing of Germany’s French neighbours, and even a ghost that is chased away to make way for new possibilities. But most of all, A E I O U is a passionate love letter to Sophie Rois and, perhaps through her, all the brilliant actors neglected by an industry all too fond of young blood. Well, it turns out that these young players, embodied here by newcomer Milan Herms, not only look up to their more experienced peers, they truly love them.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Thomas McDonell 艾米·缇加登 丹妮尔·帕娜贝克 Nolan Sotillo Yin Chang 杰尔德·库斯尼兹 尼可拉斯·博朗 Ben Esler Kylie Bunbury DeVaughn Nixon Cameron Monaghan 
  • 对付 高中生诺瓦(艾米·缇加登 Aimee Teegarden 饰)来说,目前人生中最重要的事情就是即将到来的班级舞会,在舞会上成为光彩醒目 的舞会王后几乎是所有女孩配合 的梦想。对付 杰西(托马斯·对付 高中生诺瓦(艾米·缇加登 Aimee Teegarden 饰)来说,目前人生中最重要的事情就是即将到来的班级舞会,在舞会上成为光彩醒目 的舞会王后几乎是所有女孩配合 的梦想。对付 杰西(托马斯·麦克唐纳 Thomas McDonell 饰)的邀请,诺瓦不知允许 与否,他既不是最差的那个,却也不是最好的那个。 对付 梅(Yin Chang 饰)和泰勒(德沃恩·尼克松 DeVaughn Nixon 饰)来说,空气中同样布满 了紧张的气氛,一个小小的秘密的存在遮盖 了他们平静的生活。一个夜晚,即将改变众多年轻人的命运,有人快乐,有人伤心 ,有人如获至宝,有人形单影只,唯一稳定 的,是属于他们的坚固的友谊,和青涩的恋爱 。
  • 伦理 电影 
  • 罗伯托·贝尼尼 米歇尔·布朗 尼可莱塔·布拉斯基 
  • 最近,城里发生了数十起案情十分恶劣的连环强奸案,一个名为洛瑞斯(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰)的怪异男子成为了警方重点怀疑的对象,因为洛瑞斯不仅是一个公认的好色之徒,更是被抓到了最近,城里发作了数十起案情十分恶劣的连环强奸案,一个名为洛瑞斯(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰)的怪异女子成为了警方重点疑心的对象,由于洛瑞斯不只是一个公认的好色之徒,更是被抓到了许多虽不能定罪但照旧对他十分不利的把柄。