

  • 悬疑 惊悚 恐怖 电影 
  • 李彦明 杨小米 王南 张婧婧 谭阔阔 李欣霏 麻家铭 
  • 65分钟
  • 世间本没有鬼,鬼是藏在人们心中的魔,如果心魔作怪,就会发生蛮荒可怕的事情,诱发出人的犯罪行为。本故事巧妙的设计,用一种幻觉的手法,驱除了人的心魔,没有达到实施犯罪的恶果,使人与人之间化解心结,和睦相处  世间本没有鬼,鬼是藏在人们心中的魔,如果心魔作怪,就会发生蛮荒可怕的事情,诱发出人的犯罪行为。本故事巧妙的设计,用一种幻觉的手法,驱除了人的心魔,没有达到实施犯罪的恶果,使人与人之间化解心结,和睦相处。这是一部青春励志篇,是一个讲理劝和的电影故事。
  • 惊悚 恐怖 悬疑 
  • 李彦明 杨小米 王南 张婧婧 谭阔阔 李欣霏 麻家铭 
  • There is no ghost in the world. Ghosts are the demons hidden in people's hearts. If the inner demonsThere is no ghost in the world. Ghosts are the demons hidden in people's hearts. If the inner demons make mischief, unreasonable and terrible things will happen, and it will induce people to commit crimes. This story is cleverly designed with an illusionary approach to exorcise the demons in people's hearts without reaching the evil consequences of committing crimes. This way, people can clear the air and live in harmony. This is a youthful and inspirational film story that explains the truth and promotes reconciliation.