

  • 剧情 
  • 杰奇·史洛夫 Samir Aftab Akhilendra Mishra 苏尚特·辛格·拉吉普特 Yashpal Sharma Daya Shankar Pandey Vishwajeet Pradhan Lijna Jariya Aarti Puri Nitin Kothari Avtar Gill Monica Firoz Irani Santosh Sharma 
  •   Mumbai-based CE   Mumbai-based CEO of Channel X, Jaikishan Shroff, has instructed his staff to carry out a number of sting operations to expose elusive underworld gangster, Musaa, leading to threats against his life, as well as a failed abduction of his son, who ended up being rescued by his to-be brother-in-law, Rohan. Though Jaikishan asks for police protection for his staff, he is not made aware of this abduction and fails to ask for any protection for his family from his Police Commissioner friend, A.K. Singhal. The family goes on a vacation to an undisclosed location, and decide to suspend all communications with Channel X. It is this decision that will lead to the entire Shroff family being held by gun-toting hyper gangsters - who are determined to locate video material that may incriminate Musaa. Leaving his family behind, Jaikishan returns to Mumbai with one of the kidnappers, and will find that two of his staff have been shot dead, one employee, Hyder Ali, is missing, and the police are ...
  • 电影 
  • Mohamed Bayu Obadh Kheir Eddin Jeroen Engeln 
  • 73
  • 因為想念死去的父親,塞姆想成立一個到冰島的遠征隊。他與好朋友阿穆開始召集夥伴,這群冰島幫由五個男孩和一位女孩組成,他們都為遠征隊貢獻了自己的想法,他們一起遊戲,做行前訓練,感情也越來越好。但除了塞姆之因為想念死去的父親,塞姆想成立一個到冰島的遠征隊。他與好朋友阿穆開始召集夥伴,這群冰島幫由五個男孩和一位女孩組成,他們都為遠征隊貢獻了自己的想法,他們一起遊戲,做行前訓練,感情也越來越好。但除了塞姆之外,其他人不再重視遠征隊的目的,行前訓練也逐漸變成嬉笑玩樂。於是塞姆做了一項危險的決定…
  • 脱口秀 电影 
  • RussellPeters LeeMarshall 
  • 豆瓣 9.0 / IMDB 5.5
  • 犯罪 电影 
  • IrrfanKhan MahiGil 
  • 135分钟
  • 豆瓣 7.0PaanSinghTomar(Hindi:पानसिंहतोमर)isanIndianbiographicalfilm,basedonthetruestoryofanathletePaanSinghTomaremployedbytheIndianArmyandwhowonagoldmedalatIndianNationalGames,butwasforcedtobecomeanotoriousbandit.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 肖恩·马洪 肯迪丝·埃里克森 JeffGrace CaseyNelson CharlesHoyes KateMurdoch 
  • 豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 6.8OliverandLucySinclairwereraisedontreasurehunts.Theirfatherwouldholdahunteachyear,sendinghischildrengallivantingaroundthehouseandislandtofindhiddenprizesandsecrets.But,likeallchildrendo,OliverandLucygrewup.Afterayearofestrangement,theireccentricfatherunexpectedlypassesaway,andthetwosiblingsjourneybackhometoputhisaffairsinorder.Oliverleavesbehindaverypregnantgirlfriend,Susan,andalessthansuccessfulsmallbusiness,whileLucyskipsoutonherstudies,whichsheismorethanhappytodo.Afteranightofuncomfortabletension,theymeetwiththeirfather'slawyer.Insteadofbeinghandedastandardwill,thetwoaremetwithsomethingunexpected...Atreasurehunt.OliverandLucydiscoverthattheymustsolvethehuntinordertoreceivetheirfather'sinheritance.Sobeginstheircalltoadventure.Onelasttreasurehunt.AstheSinclairstraversetheisland,fightingandfindingclues,they'reforcedtodeal...