

  • 科幻 冒险 电视 
  • 未知
  • 45分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A星际旅行之深空九号第三季
  • 青春 喜剧 电视 
  • 未知
  • 30分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A這部喜劇重要是描寫一對頑皮的12歲雙胞胎—小查與寇弟。他們是單親家庭的小孩,因母親受聘於波士頓的豪華酒店為主音歌手,一家三口搬進酒店,成了高層總統套房的新住客。母親雖然平日管教甚嚴,但酒店內所有豪華新事物實在令兩位小朋友興奮不已。  這間飯店裡有游泳池、遊戲室,還有一些新朋友,包含,糖果販賣部服務員兼保母的Maddie及酒店老闆嬌嬌女London。令飯店經理Moseby先生很困擾的是,這對雙胞胎把飯店當成他們私人的遊樂場,而事情人員及顧客們经常在不知情的狀況下參予了他們的惡作劇當中!
  • 电视 
  • 小栗旬 西岛秀俊 田中哲司 野间口彻 新木优子 
  • 50
  • 各有特长刑警一起对付国家级危机威胁。  田中哲司演在同事之中被认为总是冷静指挥的班长吉永光成,是原警视厅搜查一课的刑事,侦讯高手这样的人物。  野间口彻演原机动队爆炸物处理班的特搜班成员,冷言挖苦人的各有特长刑警一起对付国家级危机威胁。  田中哲司演在同事之中被认为总是冷静指挥的班长吉永光成,是原警视厅搜查一课的刑事,侦讯高手这样的人物。  野间口彻演原机动队爆炸物处理班的特搜班成员,冷言挖苦人的樫井勇辅,有卓越的嗅觉,有着被称作「共感觉」可以看见气味区分颜色的特殊能力持有者。  新木优子演在班上是万草之中一点红,原骇客的网路情报分析专家大山玲,装酷心中有阴影这样的角色。
  • 纪录 电影 
  • EstelleCaswell 玛丽亚·贝罗 克里斯汀·贝尔 莱瓦尔·伯顿 
  • This enlightening series from Vox digs into a wide range o f topics such as the rise of cryptocurrenThis enlightening series from Vox digs into a wide range o f topics such as the rise of cryptocurrency, why diets fail, and the wild world of K-pop. Genres: TV Programmes, American Programmes, US TV Documentaries, Documentary Programmes, Documentaries, Social & Cultural Documentaries, Special Interest 
  • 纪录 电影 
  • EstelleCaswell 玛丽亚·贝罗 克里斯汀·贝尔 莱瓦尔·伯顿 
  • This enlightening series from Vox digs into a wide range o f topics such as the rise of cryptocurrenThis enlightening series from Vox digs into a wide range o f topics such as the rise of cryptocurrency, why diets fail, and the wild world of K-pop. Genres: TV Programmes, American Programmes, US TV Documentaries, Documentary Programmes, Documentaries, Social & Cultural Documentaries, Special Interest 
  • 海外 电视 
  • 克丽丝·霍旺 卡侬尼·加萨米特诺 妮达·帕查娜维拉潘 
  • Khi đàn bà thâm độc, thì mọi thứ sẽ ra sao? Cris vào vai người molikan.com phụ nữ luôn toả ra mình tKhi đàn bà thâm độc, thì mọi thứ sẽ ra sao? Cris vào vai người molikan.com phụ nữ luôn toả ra mình tốt đẹp nhưng bản chất rất là nham hiểm và mưu mô.
  • 欧美 电视 
  • CanYaman OzgeGurel IlaydaAkdogan YesimGülAksar AlionaBozbey 
  • Ferit Aslan (Can Yaman) is a very successful businessman, and is extremely organized. He wants the sFerit Aslan (Can Yaman) is a very successful businessman, and is extremely organized. He wants the same manner of organization in both his private and professional life. Nazli (Ozge Giirel) who is studying gastronomy needs to find a job immediately as she is responsible for covering the expenses of the home she shares with her friend and sister. She is a stubborn and adamant personality, so she has a tough time keeping a job. Both completely opposites, meet each other in this series. ?IMDb.com
  • 剧情 动画 电影 
  • LucioAllocca LeandroAmato SilviaBaritzka 
  • 82分钟
  • 豆瓣 7.9 / IMDB 7.2这是一个一个寻找快活的故事。十年前,钢琴家Sergio与兄长Alfredo分道扬镳:两位都是酷爱音乐的人,却无法在音乐事业上如愿生长。Alfredo遂决议抛开世俗的一切去寻找快活,离家前住印度达兰萨拉出家修练成为僧人;Sergio则在拿破里当上的士司机。他日复日的听着收音机穿过大街小巷,遇上了差别的人,凝听差别的故事。导演以动画画出哲理与智慧,通过两兄弟的故事,探讨音乐、性命、以及快活的真理。你,快活吗?