

  • 纪录片 历史 纪录 剧情 电影 
  • 内详 
  • 240分钟
  • Interviews with experts and relatives fuel this investigative docuseries about the tragic 2017 disapInterviews with experts and relatives fuel this investigative docuseries about the tragic 2017 disappearance of a military submarine that shook the world.
  • 剧情 爱情 同性 剧情片 电影 
  • Rebekka Baer Anni Iikkanen 劳拉·布林 皮霍·朗卡 Kanerva Paunio Janne Reinikainen 
  • 91分钟
  • In the spring of 1986, there is an explosion in Chernobyl and a girl called Mimi arrives in a smallIn the spring of 1986, there is an explosion in Chernobyl and a girl called Mimi arrives in a small village in Western Finland. She immediately fills 15-year-old Mariia’s life with radiating light. 20 years later Mariia returns home to take care of her sick mother, and memories of that meaningful summer start rising to the surface.
  • 纪录片 犯罪 纪录 剧情 电影 
  • 未知
  • 不能说话,不能笑,不准外出。常青藤岭学院声称利用治疗和娱乐活动来帮助问题少年。但现实恰恰相反,少年们在一个像邪教一样运作的项目中遭受了精神和身体上的虐待。在这部扣人心弦的调查纪录片中,一位电影制作人和不能说话,不能笑,不准外出。常青藤岭学院宣称运用治疗和文娱活动来协助效果少年。但事实恰恰相反,少年们在一个像邪教一样运作的项目中遭受了肉体和身体上的优待。在这部扣人心弦的调查纪录片中,一位电影制造人和其他前先生回想了他们在感染学校的可怕阅历,揭露了效果少年行业的恐惧。
  • 电影 
  • 文森兹·凯弗 朱莉·恩格尔布雷希特 
  • 90
  • 安娜家和她最好的朋友米莱娜被邀请面试的维也纳国度芭蕾舞团,双方即将实现自己的幻想。这种机遇只呈现过因为一名剧团已经消散了-思想安娜试图从她的脑海。也许这悲凉的失踪原因的芭蕾舞导演成为治疗安娜这样绝不粉安娜家和她最好的朋友米莱娜被邀请面试的维也纳国度芭蕾舞团,双方即将实现自己的幻想。这种机遇只呈现过因为一名剧团已经消散了-思想安娜试图从她的脑海。也许这悲凉的失踪原因的芭蕾舞导演成为治疗安娜这样绝不粉饰的敌意…这是够艰苦的安娜米莱娜是斟酌到该公司而不是她,但当她的朋友严重受伤降落-和安娜被责备为它-累赘难以蒙受。当督察马杜西卡到歌剧院观察神秘逝世的舞台经理,他信任这不是意外。他发明了一个机密,死者已精心收集的密切细节每小我私家到场的歌剧院。特殊是揭示材质裸露之间的前芭蕾舞明星成为和安娜的父亲!同样令人不安的图片挂在墙上的安娜的母亲,另一个有名的芭蕾舞演员,神秘地把她自己的生涯在几年前。甚至有文件在室参考安娜。看来,安娜即将成为下一个受害者…
  • 惊悚 恐怖 电影 
  • 艾伦·里奇 尼娜·伯格曼 Yan Tual 
  • David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from herDavid Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outsi...
  • 惊悚 恐怖 电影 
  • 艾伦·里奇 尼娜·伯格曼 Yan Tual 
  • David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from herDavid Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outsi...