

  • 电影 
  • Christopher Pearson ... Charles Beaumont Jennifer Inch ... Frank and Frances Sophie Favier ... Maud Alain Dumaurier ... Harmstorf 
  • 83
  • Charlie,ayoungaristocratinturnofthecenturyEngland,meetsaboynamedFrankontheroadtoPortsmouth.WhatCharlCharlie,ayoungaristocratinturnofthecenturyEngland,meetsaboynamedFrankontheroadtoPortsmouth.WhatCharliedoesn'trealizeisthatFrankisactuallyFrances,who'sdonnedadisguisetoescapeworkingatabrothel.CharlietakesFrank/Francesintohishome,andwhenhediscovershertrueidentity,thetwobecomelovers.HesendshertoLondontobetrainedbyhismistressintheartofsex,butshelearnsmuchmoreaboutheridentityasawoman.Beforetheopeningcredits,explicitlyon-screenitreads:"BasedonthefamousVictorianeroticnovelbyananonymouswriter".
  • 电影 
  • 未知
  • 44
  • 每周四次嘿咻,多次达到高潮而且终身保持忠诚:在性这件事上,谎言层出不穷。我们在哪些方面撒谎最多,又是出于什么原因?通过男女各四十位志愿者参与的令人惊讶的试验,德国电视二台(ZDF)这档纪录片将以最新研每周四次嘿咻,多次达到高潮而且终身保持忠诚:在性这件事上,谎言层出不穷。我们在哪些方面撒谎最多,又是出于什么原因?通过男女各四十位志愿者参与的令人惊讶的试验,德国电视二台(ZDF)这档纪录片将以最新研究结果将揭开关于德国人情爱方面赤裸裸的真相。(电影字幕翻译2.0小组)
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Lina Englund Chatarina Larsson 
  • The siblings Linus, 19-years-old, who are taking driving licence and Vanja, 17-years-old, who's stilThe siblings Linus, 19-years-old, who are taking driving licence and Vanja, 17-years-old, who's still in school. Their mom Eva works night shift at a hotel. We get to follow them during one month. Linus and Vanja begin to realize that they are living in a universe of their own. And there is neither room for the mom or boy- and girlfriends. At first it is only the longing love i...
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Georgina Baillie Harmony Hex Michelle Thorne 
  • 英国最臭名昭著的浪荡女孩,号称撒旦荡妇。英国最臭名昭著的浪荡女孩,号称撒旦荡妇。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Jason Clarke Paz Vega Idris Elba 
  • 108分钟
  • 人类合约/The Human Contract (2008)●好莱坞重量级巨星“威尔史密斯”之妻“贾达·萍克·史密斯”首部自编自导银幕处女作●西班牙性感女星《幽灵奇侠》《露西亚的情人》帕兹·维嘉领  人类合约/TheHumanContract(2008)  ●好莱坞重量级巨星“威尔史密斯”之妻“贾达·萍克·史密斯”首部自编自导银幕处女作  ●西班牙性感女星《幽灵奇侠》《露西亚的情人》帕兹·维嘉领衔主演
  • 电影 
  • 何家驹 Ka-Kui Ho 林坤厚 Lam Kwan-Hau 江欣燕 Elvina Kong 朱萍媛 Ping Woon Chu 
  • 0
  • 芸娘新婚燕尔,其夫却被官兵强行征召从军,芸娘决心冒险寻夫,千辛万苦,差点在途中荒郊遭强奸,最后在乱军中得知夫君经已阵亡,幸得一奇女子香菱相救并在草屋中同住,开始了二女异常亲蜜的女同生活。    一天,芸娘新婚燕尔,其夫却被官兵强行征召从军,芸娘决心冒险寻夫,千辛万苦,差点在途中荒郊遭强奸,最后在乱军中得知夫君经已阵亡,幸得一奇女子香菱相救并在草屋中同住,开始了二女异常亲蜜的女同生活。    一天,一个逃兵士刚突然闯进并请求她俩相助,香菱因恨男人而拒之;但芸娘却起了怜惜之心,偷偷将他安置在山中,于是三人的情、爱、恨便一直纠缠不清……此时二女屡遭山中一群男人强暴性扰多次,于是三人合力共计,一举杀减群匪,不料香菱因有同性恋,嫉妒芸娘和士刚甜蜜性爱,因而向王家军告密,来居处缉捕逃兵士刚,芸娘和士刚见状潜逃,途中被香菱杀害,人头落地,芸娘再刺死香菱,孤寂无语问苍天…
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Fedja van Huêt 卡里斯·范·侯登 提奥·马森 
  • A photographer returns to his parental home because his mother is seriously ill. The confrontation wA photographer returns to his parental home because his mother is seriously ill. The confrontation with his past leads to panic in a surreal, stylised psychological drama.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Brandon Auret 
  • Paul Mullan has left the police force after mistakenly killing his partner. He became a drifter. AccPaul Mullan has left the police force after mistakenly killing his partner. He became a drifter. Accidentally he lands a job as a chauffeur after meeting a mysterious wealthy gentleman named Bernhard. Soon he gets involved with in a passionate love affair with Bernhard’s lover, Michelle. Things start getting complicated for everybody when Bernhard’s daughter, Lindsey, gets kidnapped. Trying to not involve the police, Bernhard asks Paul and Michelle to help rescue Lindsey. They managed to do it but they also discover that Lindsey wasn’t so innocent after all.Based on Best Selling Book "Double Echo" by Francois Bloemhof
  • 剧情 同性 电影 
  • Baptiste Bertin Catherine Mouchet Jean-François Stévenin 提奥·弗里莱 
  • 91分钟
  • 豆瓣 6.6小镇一场足球赛上,年轻的守门员突然被倒塌的门柱砸中,送医不治。这场意外让镇长成为了众矢之的,而和死者在赛前闹别扭的亲密好友也陷入了自责和追寻真相的漩涡中。尽在不言的情感如藤蔓绵绵密密的铺展,覆盖盛夏悠长的时光......  一部优美的作品,导演小心翼翼的维持着故事的波澜不兴。愤怒、愧疚、眷恋、欲望似乎都被压抑和包裹其间,只能从镜头暗示、细微的动作表情中悄然释放。正因为此,情感在最终倾泻的瞬间是那么的具有穿透力。
  • 伦理 电影 
  • 未知
  • 一个旅游女孩跌跌撞撞地卖淫,结果成了一个高价的太太。一个旅游女孩跌跌撞撞地卖淫,结果成了一个低价的太太。