

  • 剧情 
  • Darcie Lincoln Tara MacGowran Becky Fletcher Tony Manders Tommy Vilés Saudiq Baoku David Royal Arron Blake Claire-Maria Fox Jerry Anton Charlene Cooper Aaron Ayamah Laura Menendez Danny Coakley Karen Masek 
  • After her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself withoAfter her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself without a career and living as a stay at home wife to a wealthy business man who, over the years, seems to have got tired of her. Worried he is being unfaithful, Elise goes to spy on him, when she bumps into a mysterious and alluring photographer. A passion strikes between them both and a steamy affair begins. The photographer shows Elise sites and feelings she's not felt before; introducing her to sleep with a variety of different men. As they sexually experiment together, Elise's husband grows to realise he might be loosing Elise. He tries to reignite the spark in their relationship, making her feel guilty for her secret affair. She plans to call the relationship quits when the photographer threatens to blackmail her with secret recorded sex tapes of them together. The photographer becomes controlling, stalking her, ensuring Elise is left with nothing and no one, but him. A tale of love, ...
  • 伦理 
  • George Eastman Rosemarie Lindt Annie Carol Edel 
  • 96
  •   ” Emanuelle (Lindt) is out to avenge her sister (Gori), who committed suicide after escaping from  ” Emanuelle (Lindt) is out to avenge her sister (Gori), who committed suicide after escaping from her sadistic lover Carlo (Eastman). So she chains him up in her basement, drugs him, and forces him to watch her having sex.“
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 徐少强 戚美珍 午马 
  • 0
  • 陈少因烂睹,而欠下满身赌债,但仍死性不改,到被追债者迫到走投无路时,始知后果严重。迫不得已之下,唯有远赴泰国,暂避风头。陈在泰国遇鬼王德,鬼王德教他“请鬼”,使陈风生水起。但因陈爱上模特儿而疏於拜祭,陈少因烂睹,而欠下满身赌债,但仍死性不改,到被追债者迫到走投无路时,始知后果严重。迫不得已之下,唯有远赴泰国,暂避风头。陈在泰国遇鬼王德,鬼王德教他“请鬼”,使陈风生水起。但因陈爱上模特儿而疏於拜祭,触怒冤鬼,在千钧一发的时候,鬼王德出现将鬼收服。
  • 科幻 电影 
  • Inez Dahl Torhaug Eva Melander Jesper Barkselius Oscar Töringe 
  • 115分钟
  • And follows a teenage rebel placed in foster care, who suspects that her father is not dead, but hasAnd follows a teenage rebel placed in foster care, who suspects that her father is not dead, but has been kidnapped by UFOs. With the help from a UFO association, she is determined to find out the truth.
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Maia Morgenstern Marius Bodochi Antonio Gavrila 
  • 84分钟
  • Secluded from the world, in XIX century rural Romania, a widow and mother of three must defend what&Secluded from the world, in XIX century rural Romania, a widow and mother of three must defend what's left of her family, at all costs, from an old family friend turned foe. Based on one of the best-known Romanian folk tales (The Goat and Her Three Kids by Ion Creanga), this film aims to unveil the true nature of the famed bedtime story and to treat the audience to a different ...
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 米歇尔·费尔利 帕蒂·杰金斯 James Martin 谢默斯·奥哈拉 
  • 23分钟
  • Set against the backdrop of a working farm in rural Northern Ireland, 'An Irish Goodbye' is a blackSet against the backdrop of a working farm in rural Northern Ireland, 'An Irish Goodbye' is a black comedy following the reunion of estranged brothers Turlough (Seamus O’Hara) and Lorcan (James Martin) following the untimely death of their mother (Michelle Fairley).
  • 伦理 电影 
  • 二宫日嘉里 
  • 我讨厌公公扫视的目光。因为丈夫的话,所以不得不跟着去的旅行……丈夫因急事去世,我在旅馆房间里只剩下两个公公。在尴尬的空气中,公公终于开始干活了。我厌恶公公审视的目光。由于丈夫的话,所以不得不跟着去的游览……丈夫因急事逝世,我在旅馆房间里只剩下两个公公。在为难的空气中,公公终于末尾干活了。
  • 剧情 喜剧 电影 
  • Basia A'Hern Penne Hackforth-Jones Sam Haft 诺妮·哈泽赫斯 瑞斯·穆尔东 
  • Australia:
  • In the living room of a suburban home, Liam Lombard lays dying. His family watches - helpless.   Lombard在郊区家中的客厅里离世,他的家人还来不及说一声再见。三年后,四位内心崩溃并且深爱着他的亲人彻底改变了,沉浸在失去儿子的痛苦和抑郁之中,久久不能自拔。因为他们开始意识到那天真正“死去”的是他们自己......