

  • 动作 犯罪 电影 
  • 汤姆·塞兹摩尔RobertThorneBertieHigginsBiancaMalinowski 
  • 98
  • 本片讲述了美国“黑社会”“毒战”爆发的前前后后所发生的一切变化本片讲述了美国“黑社会”“毒战”爆发的前前后后所发生的一切变化本片讲述了美国“黑社会”“毒战”爆发的前前后后所发生的一切变化本片讲述了美国“黑社会”“毒战”爆发的前前后后所发生的一切变化
  • 电影 
  • David James Elliott Anthony Lemke Natalie Brown 
  • 0
  • TheworldwatchesinaweastheRoeblingClipperislaunchedintospace.Usingstate-of-the-artscalarenginestoflyaTheworldwatchesinaweastheRoeblingClipperislaunchedintospace.Usingstate-of-the-artscalarenginestoflyaroundtheMoonandbackinjusthours,themaidenvoyageofthefirst-evertrans-lunarpassengershipisabouttomakehistory.Amongthoseonboard:FirstLadySimoneMathany,space-explorationentrepreneurSteveRoebling,Dr.DeniseBalaban,pilotFionaHenslaw,andaveryluckylotterywinner.Butwhileenroute,amassivesolarflaresparksacosmic-rayburstthatacceleratesAurora’sengineandblowstheshipawayfromEarth’sorbit.Nowoutofcontrol,it’shurtlingstraightforthesun.
  • 电影 
  • Tom Araya Alice Cooper Ronnie James Dio 
  • 0
  • 2005年,一部火力生猛,恭身向金属乐致敬的铁血记录片----Metal:AHeadbanger’sJourney掀起全球重乐狂潮,所到之处无不赢得万千金属死党泣血膜拜。伴随着被光线利刃永久镌刻于菲林2005年,一部火力生猛,恭身向金属乐致敬的铁血记录片----Metal:AHeadbanger’sJourney掀起全球重乐狂潮,所到之处无不赢得万千金属死党泣血膜拜。伴随着被光线利刃永久镌刻于菲林之上隆隆的金属号角,影片横扫欧美大小电影节若干。从伦敦到奥斯陆,从鹿特丹到华盛顿,无数戏院因为影片的公映而相继沦陷。当影片在多伦多电影节亮相时,翘首已久的乐迷影迷更是将放映大厅与演出现场混淆,沸腾场面紧邻混乱边缘。影片导演之一,“自从出生后便开始痴迷金属乐已有30余年”的加拿大人类学家兼电影人SamDunn与他的搭档----ScotMcFadyen,JessicaJoyWise,历时两年时间将这部影片由构思变为现实,Sam的双重身份使得这部电影不仅仅成为了一场金属音乐的撒欢庆典,同时在很大程度上还赋予了该记录片立足于社会学层面之上的使命:追寻金属文化发展本源,探究公众与金属音乐的联系,深入金属文化为何导致狂热与误解的关键重心。力求详实的为人们打开了展示金属音乐这种外表直接但内核纷繁复杂的艺术形式的首扇窗口。在影片的第一集与观众成功见面后,时隔一年,我们激动地得知死硬派制片/导演SamDunn,ScotMcFadyen与JessicaJoyWise已再度聚首,三位一体准备卷土重来,拍摄影片的第二部分----亚洲集锦。因为他们知道在遥远的东方—有一群与他们同样流淌着热血的金属战士,在与一直鼎力支持本土金属音乐发展的[重型音乐]杂志取得联系后,摄制组原班人马决定亲临北京,在11月10日的演出现场,用他们的镜头与[重型音乐]杂志一起见证与记录中国金属乐坛的现状与发展,首度向全世界展示中国金属音乐的力量与魅力。
  • 海外 电视 
  • Jean·Gaewalin Toomtam·Yuthana·Puengklarng Fluke·Jira 
  • 讲述娜迦之神和人类的恋爱 故事! Manee, a beautiful look of Nakee Opapat, escaped to the human world while Ong Mujal讲述娜迦之神和人类的恋爱 故事! Manee, a beautiful look of Nakee Opapat, escaped to the human world while Ong Mujalin Nakkarad. The fiancé is lent during the Buddhist Lent. She saved the life of Chonlatit, the wealthy heir who was ordered to kill water by Tatchai. Manee Naka, one to help revive life, for this reason, therefore Manee and Chonlatit can be able to communicate with each other as if there was a CCTV camera that saw the event of another person even though they were in different places. Together, Pakee, a close friend of Chonlatit, tried to investigate the murder of this time and focus on Tatchai. Manee came to live at the house of Chathiseth. She learned and enjoyed many new things on the human world, but was not liable to be Dutjan. The nobility girl at Pongchonlithon was bullying until she was angry and accidentally became a serpent. See But Manee was able to erase the memories of anyone who knew this truth, making it still unknown who she was. But then one day, Chonlatit saw Manee in the body of the Naka with his own eyes. But with the power of love, it makes him accept what she is. The longer Manee"s day, the more he made the love and cherish her unconsciously. But the love of the couple had to face many obstacles, both from Mujalin Nakkarad who followed up to bring Manee back to the underground city and she was still Ninrat, Mrs. Nakee In love with the body, Mujalin waited for a slander of the wrong label to fight for the position of Chaya. Chonlatit had to wait for Sadayu, an important enemy of the heart. He was also reassured by the plan to kill him until Manee Nate was unable to stand up to his death. How will the love of a man and a beautiful young serpent continue?