

  • 动作 惊悚 犯罪 电影 
  • 卡马尔·哈山 PoojaKumar RahulBose 杰德普.阿赫拉瓦迪 SamratChakrabarti 谢加·凯普尔 迈尔斯·安德森 詹姆斯·巴伯森 JudeS.Walko Chr 
  • 148分钟
  • 豆瓣 6.0 / IMDB 8.9妮茹帕玛(PoojaKumar饰)通过一段没有恋爱的婚姻留在了美国,她的丈夫是比她年纪大许多的维萨姆(卡马尔·哈山KamalHassan饰),获得了美国永久居留权之后,妮茹帕玛开端发奋图强,最终如愿以偿,得到了梦寐以求的博士学位。  没有恋爱的婚姻注定是懦弱的,随着时光的推移,妮茹帕玛看维萨姆越来越不顺眼,他不但毫无魅力可言,甚至像个娘娘腔。事情中,妮茹帕玛结识了俊秀又有男子气势的老板,两人很快就坠入了爱河,对婚姻忍无可忍的妮茹帕玛开端暗中观察自己的丈夫,盼望能够抓住他的把柄申请离婚。不查不知道,一查吓一跳,妮茹帕玛意外发明了维萨姆的另外一个机密身份。
  • 剧情 动作 犯罪 电影 
  • RayLiotta LindaBoston EleBardha RonCausey KevinChapman JohnP.Chittick 
  • 93分钟
  • 豆瓣 4.8 / IMDB 4.9底特律警探马蒂·金斯顿,是地下毒品组织的卧底,组织的成员陆陆续续被谋杀。为懂得决此问题,他与一位自豪而年青的警探互助。然而,他们被所发明的腐朽本相而彻底震惊了...  RayLiotta(Goodfellas)deliversanintense,electrifyingperformanceinthisexplosivefollow-uptothegrittyurbancrimethrillerStreetKings.LiottaplaysDetroitdetectiveMartyKingston,theleaderofanundercovernarcoticsteam,whosemembersarebeingsystematicallymurderedonebyone.Tosolvethebrutalkillings,Kingstonjoinsforceswithacocky,younghomicidedetective.Butneitherofthemispreparedfortheshockingcorruptiontheirinvestigationwilluncoveracirc.
  • 海外 电视 
  • WeirSukollawat CatStephany BossChanakan MaleeSupaporn 
  • 这是一部关于 Hiso 女孩和乡下警察的浪漫喜剧,因为命运或是国家使命,使得这个东北警察和倒霉的女孩不得不假装成恋人,成为了一对欢喜冤家,每天都有矛盾产生,但是他们的关系也在渐渐生长 ...这是一部关于 Hiso 女孩和乡下警察的浪漫喜剧,因为命运或是国家使命,使得这个东北警察和倒霉的女孩不得不假装成恋人,成为了一对欢喜冤家,每天都有矛盾产生,但是他们的关系也在渐渐生长 ...
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 戴文·沃克海瑟 BarryBostwick JenniferStone HankStone LydiaMeredith 
  • The only daughter of Santa Claus (Barry Bostwick "Spin City") wants to experience the &quoThe only daughter of Santa Claus (Barry Bostwick "Spin City") wants to experience the "real world" before she must marry the son of Jack Frost and take over the family business. Cassie Claus (Jennifer Stone "Wizards of Waverly Place"), along with her trusty elf, sets off to college while trying to keep her magic powers and famous father a secret. At school, Cassie is pursued by two boys: Sam (Devon Werkheiser "Ned"s Declassified School Survival Guide") who is sweetly awkward and J.R., handsome and wealthy. As her impending arranged marriage looms, Cassie struggles with her feelings for Sam and her obligation to her father and to Christmas itself.
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 索尼娅·波霍谢维兹 奥拉·弗莱茨 FilipBobek MarcinBosak WojciechSolarz 
  • 豆瓣 2.0《八千万》改编自1981年底波兰社会的真实事件,却更像一部行动 惊悚片,而不是小我私家 英雄主义的剧情片   影片刻画了一群布满 人道主义精神的社会主义政体的好人和一个可以精神阐发 疗法阐发 的反派,波兰人们的灰色生活和军事管制成了故事的配景 板,情节布满 了黑色幽默式的人性讥笑 ,算是对波兰历史的一瞥
  • 剧情 电影 
  • SigourneyKorperLorenzovanVelzen.FlorisBosveldLorenzovanVelzenBottazzi 
  • 65
  • 在五名最好的荷兰舞蹈员要飞到纽约参加一场,但是在比赛前的一个小时,这个行程被取消。无论如何,来自完全不同舞蹈团的五名舞者不想放弃他们的免费机票。在纽约,他们才意识到自己做了什么。他们没有钱,没有计划,在五名最好的荷兰舞蹈员要飞到纽约参加一场,但是在比赛前的一个小时,这个行程被取消。无论如何,来自完全不同舞蹈团的五名舞者不想放弃他们的免费机票。在纽约,他们才意识到自己做了什么。他们没有钱,没有计划,没有队员。他们只有一件事要做,他们是来跳舞的。于是他们组成一个新的舞蹈团,尽一切可能进入他们为之而来的那个比赛。同时,他们必须在在没有现金的情况下,在纽约生存两周。
  • 欧美 电视 
  • DavidYost AmyJoJohnson JohnnyYongBosch 
  • Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fighFour athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released from imprisonment in an intergalactic dumpster on the moon. Later in the series, the rangers are joined by Tommy, the once evil Green Ranger designed for Rita"s evil, but later was deprogrammed and spent two portions of the series briefly as the Green Ranger. Over time, some rangers had to pass their powers to others as well. Action scenes and scenes with Rita were edited from footage based on Japanese action sagas. Replacement villain Lord Zedd was designed in the U.S. Written by Ondre Lombard