

  • 科幻 电影 
  • Stacey Thunder Megan Hensley Emily Fradenburgh 
  •  这是一部充满沉思的惊悚片,讲述的是一个有野心的女演员尼娜,她加入一个超自然的真人秀节目,在她小时候离开的那个小镇拍摄。她和摄制人员跟随一位神秘的向导深入迷宫般的森林,在那里他们似乎遇到了一种古老的催 这是一部布满沉思的惊悚片,报告的是一个有野心的女演员尼娜,她介进一个超天然的真人秀节目,在她小时分分隔的阿谁小镇拍摄。她和摄制人员跟随一位奥秘的导游深化迷宫般的丛林,在那边他们似乎碰到了一种新颖的催眠力气,它将摄制团队锁定在一种奇妙的咒语之下。
  • 纪录 电影 
  • Emicida 
  • Between scenes from his concert in São Paulo's Theatro Municipal, rapper and activist Emicida celebrBetween scenes from his concert in São Paulo's Theatro Municipal, rapper and activist Emicida celebrates the rich legacy of Black Brazilian culture.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • EmilJannings HarryLiedtke DagnyServaes 
  • 100
  • 一人天下,天下一人。绝对权力令法老王阿门尼斯闷得发慌,所有的生命对他来说都贱如草芥,直至希腊女奴特奥尼斯出现。一人天下,天下一人。绝对权力令法老王阿门尼斯闷得发慌,所有的生命对他来说都贱如草芥,直至希腊女奴特奥尼斯出现。
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 茱莉亚·卡米斯卡 Tomasz Karolak Adrian Majewski 玛利亚·帕库尔尼斯 Michal Piprowski Katarzyna Sawczuk Wojciech Solarz Anita Sokolowska Barbara Wypych 迈西·扎科斯西尼 Urszula Dudziak Krzysztof Ibisz Mariusz Bindula 索尼娅·博霍谢维奇 Aleksandra Boron Remigiusz Jankowski 
  • Talent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to bTalent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to be showbiz traps. There is money, fame and fan crowds involved. Will a young girl be able to fight for her dreams in this no-holds-barred world where fame is so elusive? A controversial talent show called "Music Race" keeps looking for talented singers all over the country. The decision on who will be started-up for a career and who will get a cold shower is always up to the three jurors: a once-popular singer, Olo (Maciej Zakoscielny), social media queen, Ewa (Julia Kaminska), and the dame of Polish jazz, Urszula Dudziak (playing herself). During an audition held in Olo's home town, there is a row. The person who starts it is "Ostra" (played by Katarzyna Sawczuk). The rebel teen is outraged by the juror's arrogant and dismissive behaviour towards her mother (Anita Sokolowska). The small scandal suits the show's producer (Tomasz Karolak), who pushes "Ostra" through to the next stage. There, it will turn out that the girl doesn't just have a fiery temper, but a great voice as well. Success, though, comes at a price. Being popular is not as pleasant as many people think. Our teenage hero will have to face a genuine test of integrity and character. The young star is about to take on her stage competition, the ruthless world of show business, and, most importantly, her own feelings.
  • 剧情 传记 电影 
  • 阿贝尔·阿亚拉 朱丽叶塔·迪亚兹 马克·莱昂纳蒂 Juan Leyrado Rolly Serrano Luis Machín Fabián Arenillas Emiliano Kaczka 
  • 导演马尔科·里西在接受意大利《共和报》采访的时候表示:“我一直把他当成一个天才,足球简直就是因为他而存在。这就像凡·高对于绘画或者查理·帕克对于音乐一样重要。这部影片围绕着马拉多纳足球生涯中最闪亮的时导演马尔科·里西在接受意大利《共和报》采访的时候表示:“我一直把他当成一个天才,足球简直就是因为他而存在。这就像凡·高对于绘画或者查理·帕克对于音乐一样重要。这部影片围绕着马拉多纳足球生涯中最闪亮的时刻展开,其中包括在小洋葱队成名、登陆欧洲、扬威世界杯等重大时刻。”马尔科·里西还说,这部电影也不光是为一代球王树碑,影片还从人文的角度出发,正面探讨了马拉多纳的禁药问题和退役后身体状况欠佳的原因。“马拉多纳确实迷恋过可卡因,但是他又不是政府官员,他不过是个足球天才。”同时,这位性格导演还坦诚地说,对英格兰的比赛中马拉多纳打进的那个手球不是什么耻辱的标志,“那是一件艺术品”。在片中,马拉多纳光辉的足球生涯被忠实地记载下来,而关于他37岁退役以后的生活中的斑点,导演并没有做任何的回避,吸毒、逃税、离婚……力求还原一个真实的马拉多纳。“他是一代球王,同时他也是普通的足球运动员。”马尔科·里西说。3月30号在意大利上映
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Dylan Duffus Scorcher Shone Romulus Jade Asha Femi Oyeniran Nicky Slimting Walker Sarah Akokhia 罗比·基 Ashley Chin Emani Joof Luke McGibney Fredi 
  • Gunz (Dylan Duffus) is thrust into a world of excitement when he joins the TIC crew. The crew, led bGunz (Dylan Duffus) is thrust into a world of excitement when he joins the TIC crew. The crew, led by the ruthless Hoodz (Scorcher), goes from low level weed peddling to full on armed robberies within a fortnight. Their new found infamy affords them a life of guns, drugs, and girls but they also catch the attention of the police and a rival gang. To make matters worse they have been infiltrated by an undercover police officer. Does he have "THE INTENT" to remain a criminal or abide by his oath to the force?
  • 电影 
  • JamaelStuart JeremiahBrannan DeontaeCoachman 
  • 8
  • AstriveontocontinuingalostartformthatoneartistbythenameofRaiistartsupagaincausessecurityandregulatioAstriveontocontinuingalostartformthatoneartistbythenameofRaiistartsupagaincausessecurityandregulationsagainststreetarttoheighten.Thetrueartformalmostdiminishesuntilagroupisformedtochangethat.
  • 日本 电视 
  • 木村拓哉 常盘贵子 水野美纪 池内博之 渡部笃郎 原千晶 小雪 茂吕师冈 的场浩司 大森晓美 Akemi Ohmori 河原崎建三 西川贵教 
  • 冲岛佟二(木村拓哉 饰)是人气美发店HOT LIP的造型师,才华横溢却因个性不受欢迎,且被同期入店又擅于讨客人及店长欢心的川村悟视为竞争对手。佟二到图书馆借阅美发资料,邂逅在馆内工作的美丽女孩町田杏子冲岛佟二(木村拓哉 饰)是人气美发店HOT LIP的外型师,才气横溢却因特征不受欢迎,且被同期进店又擅于讨主人及店长欢心的川村悟视为竞争对手。佟二到躲图书馆借阅美发材料,相逢在馆内任务的艳丽女孩町田杏子(常盘贵子 饰)。杏子是必需依托轮椅生存的残疾人士,固然外表开畅掉看,身理缺点依然令她怯于享用正常恋爱。佟二力邀杏子担当本人的发模,数次打仗中两人由误会到互相吸引,关系逐突变得亲密。固然这段内在前提差池等的恋爱遭到世俗偏见与旁人的隔中断,杏子病情的好转也添加了将来的不肯定性,但两人一向怀抱着美妙的决心信念,为合营发明艳丽的人生全力着…… 本剧曾创下最终话41.3%的近30年日剧单集最高收视记载,并包办第二十四回日剧学院赏最优异作品赏、主演男/女优赏、助演男/女优赏、监视赏、剧本赏等11项大奖。
  • 动漫 
  • 木村拓哉 苍井优 浅野忠信 Akemi Mark Allen Jr. 
  • 遥远的未来,飞行交通工具已经取代了汽车,但是赛车这项运动仍然在各个星球广受欢迎。著名的“红线”赛事是赛车界级别最高的比赛,也是众多车手的终极梦想。在竞争红线赛的资格赛——“黄线”比赛中,赛车手JP(木悠远的将来,飞翔交通对象已经庖代了汽车,可是赛车这项运动依然在各个星球广受欢迎。著名的“红线”赛事是赛车界级别最高的比赛,也是众多车手的最终胡想。在竞争红线赛的资历赛——“黄线”比赛中,赛车手JP(木村拓哉 配音)侥幸的与“少男猎手”索诺西(苍井优 配音)一同晋级红线。本届红线赛在子弹横飞的“机械世界”举行,令本就暴虐劝慰的赛车更具吸引力。可是主办星球的统治者因担心本人星球的奥秘露出,决定在比赛中全力阻击一众车手;另一方面,JP在年少时曾与索诺西了解,可是后者似乎遗忘了这一切。红线赛如期在枪林弹雨中拉开了帷幕……