

  • 剧情 惊悚 家庭 电影 
  • Ilmur María Arnarsdóttir 艾琳·佩特斯多蒂 Stefanía Berndsen Jónas Alfree Birkisson Valur Freyr Einarsson Arnar Dan Kristjánsson 
  • 105分钟
  • A young girl stays with her estranged grandparents in the city while she waits for the results of heA young girl stays with her estranged grandparents in the city while she waits for the results of her audition for an international performance group. Her grandparents welcome her, delighted about the chance to get to know their granddaughter better. While staying at the house, the girl gets to know her uncle, who suffers from a mysterious long-term lung illness and is mainly c...
  • 剧情 
  • Stefania Tortorella Noelia Campo Mauro Sarser 
  •  A single 30-year-old who has never had an orgasm, finally finds her ideal lover but the only caveat A single 30-year-old who has never had an orgasm, finally finds her ideal lover but the only caveat is that he doesnt inhabit the world of the living.
  • 动作 喜剧 电影 
  • James Caan Stefanie Powers Aldo Ray 
  • 被人陷害后,一个牛仔被送进监狱。在他出狱之后,他决定去复仇。很快,他遇到了一个年轻的美国土著妇女,他们将一起解决小镇腐败的领导人也是牛仔的仇人……被人陷害后,一个牛仔被送进监狱。在他出狱之后,他决议去复仇。很快,他遇到了一个年轻的美疆土著妇女,他们将一同处置小镇糜烂的指导人也是牛仔的仇人……  
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Stefania Sandrelli Marzio Honorato Dina D'Isa Emilio Locurcio Ottavio Marcelli 
  • 寂寞难耐的幼儿园教师曼努埃拉与来自那不勒斯的法比奥相遇在意大利北部的小镇伊夫雷亚,那里正在进行为期两天的狂欢节活动。也就是在这橙子满天飞的时刻,一意要寻找乐子的法比奥与曼努埃拉一拍即合,开始了激烈的性寂寞难耐的幼儿园教员曼努埃拉与来自那不勒斯的法比奥相遇在意大利北部的小镇伊夫雷亚,那里正在停止为期两天的狂欢节活动。也就是在这橙子满天飞的时辰,一意要寻觅乐子的法比奥与曼努埃拉一拍即合,末尾了剧烈的性爱关系。狂欢节完毕了,他们也若无其事地分手了。
  • 惊悚 电影 
  • RoccoSiffredi StefaniaBonafede DavideDevenuto 
  • 豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 3.3ThelibrarianoftheuniversityXeniaschedulesaS&MblinddatewiththemasochistGhosttosatisfyherfantasiesandsexualdesires.TheyspendthenightinhisapartmenthavingkinkysexandonthenextmorningGhostisdeadwithslashedthroat.Xeniacleansherevidencesandleavestheplace,butGhost'sfriendSilverinvestigatesthemurderofGhostandfindsherfilesinaCD.LaterhedisclosesthatsergeantGhostwasinvestigatingthesiteSexServices.SilvercontactsXeniaandtheymeeteachother,whenhefinallydiscloseswhothekilleris.