

  • 记录 电影 
  • Joseph Vilsmaier 
  • It's a documentary with great pictures from bavaria's landscapes, mountains and seas. You will be inIt's a documentary with great pictures from bavaria's landscapes, mountains and seas. You will be informed from bavaria and the citys in it after the movie, too.
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • NathasitKotimanuswanich GenaDesouza PramotePrathan TodsapolMaisuk 
  • A haunting spirit of an unknown girl who dwells in a karaoke booth, named "Premika" after A haunting spirit of an unknown girl who dwells in a karaoke booth, named "Premika" after the clothing tag she wears. One night, someone accidentally switched on a karaoke booth that Premika possesses in. Then, she was awakened from the death, and is ready to torment whoever that sings incorrectly or out of tune, bringing together a horrifying, laughing, amusing and tuneful haunt.
  • 剧情 
  • 斯科特·贝尔斯托 阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳 Charmaine Craig 
  • 一则新鲜的印地安预言,引领著少年胆小鬼亨利与他的白狼夥伴,前往挽救一群战争的印地安族人但是,亨利与他心爱的印地安美少,却面临著一连串史无前例的致命危机。此时,唯无机智英勇的亨利,与通灵强悍的白狼,才干一则新颖的印地安预言,引领著少年害怕鬼亨利与他的白狼夥伴,前往援救一群战争的印地安族人但是,亨利与他心爱的印地安美少,却面临著一连串史无前例的致命危机。此时,唯无机智英勇的亨利,与通灵强悍的白狼,才干让新颖的白狼传说完成成真。
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Jareonporn Onlamai Kietisak Udomnak 马里奥·毛瑞尔 Nakorn Silachai 
  • Do和Yee是两个无所事事的小青年,某天晚上,他们结伴去夜店寻欢作乐。Yee搭上了一个风骚性感的女人,谁知对方竟是某个有权有势头面人物的情人。一番争斗过后,头面人物被意外枪杀。Do和Yee夺路而逃,混Do和Yee是两个无所事事的小青年,某天晚上,他们结伴去夜店寻欢作乐。Yee搭上了一个风骚性感的女人,谁知对方竟是某个有权有势头面人物的情人。一番争斗过后,头面人物被意外枪杀。Do和Yee夺路而逃,混乱中乘上了某个美丽女孩的汽车。女孩醉意浓浓,一路开到了位于郊外的一所寄放尸体用的寺庙,里面更住着长相怪异凶恶的看尸人Nui大叔。越日 ,Do他们从电视机中得知自己被通缉的消息,于是决定迅速启程,谁知却阴差阳错具有了阴阳眼。于是乎,三人的周围瞬间多了很多令人心惊肉跳的“好朋友”。与此同时,两名神神叨叨的警察紧随其后,他们配合 展开了一段见鬼惊魂之旅……