- 类型:纪录 电影
- 主演:Jack Burkman Elizabeth Williamson Molly McKew Troy Michalik Paul Pape Nina Roach Caleb Roach Derrick Broze Ross Ramsey Craig Silverman James Alefantis Keith Alexander Bryce Reh Daniel Saperstein Oliver Darcy
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake newIn the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment. 详情
- 类型:欧美 电视
- 主演:克斯汀·克鲁克 杰·瑞恩 奥斯汀·巴西斯 马克斯·布朗 Nina Lisandrello 布莱恩·J·怀特 罗勃·梅耶斯
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:该剧大要 上凭据 上世纪八十年代由Linda Hamilton主演的同名剧集改编,但很多方面都不相同。故事描述纽约警署命案侦探Catherine(克斯汀·克鲁克)和军队秘密人体实验幸存者Vincent该剧大要 上凭据 上世纪八十年代由Linda Hamilton主演的同名剧集改编,但很多方面都不相同。故事描述纽约警署命案侦探Catherine(克斯汀·克鲁克)和军队秘密人体实验幸存者Vincent Koslow(Jay Ryan)之间的恋爱 。九年前,Catherine亲眼目睹母亲遭人谋杀,但凶手很快被一个长相怪异的「野兽」杀死。经过多年的观察 ,Catherine终于找到了「野兽」--他的真名叫做Vincent Koslow,是一项军方秘密实验的加入 者。那次实验出现严重问题,导致Vincent酿成 不人不鬼的模样。为了保住自己的秘密,Vincent一直以「超等 英雄」的身份外出活动…… 详情
- 类型:魔幻 罪案 惊悚 悬疑 吸血鬼 剧情 电视
- 主演:Frank·Grillo Marisol·Nichols Rhona·Mitra Luke·Mably Travis·Caldwell Skyler·Samuels Colton·Haynes Chandra·West Victoria·Platt Justin·Miles Janina·Gavankar
- 时长:42分钟
- 详细介绍:豆瓣 N/A漂亮的山脚下,坐落着一片安静而安适的私人社区。这里被人们昵称为「门的世界」。纵横交织的街道两旁,整整齐齐排列着美丽的小洋楼,草坪被修剪过,墙壁粉葺一新,每一家人都过着快活的郊区生涯。然而在那些又大又厚重的玄色铁门背后,毕竟暗藏着几多机密?猜你爱好《凌乱之子第五季》。和其他在「门的世界」定居的家庭一样,Monahan家庭也有庞杂的配景--他们停止在芝加哥的糟糕生涯搬到这风景秀美的田园之地,就是想让一切重新开端。NickMonahan(FrankGrillo饰演)最近方才接收委任,成为小镇的新警长,他盼望事情能让自己死水微澜的生涯节奏有所转变。Nick的妻子Sarah(MarisolNichols饰演)、两个孩子Charlie与Dana,也都期望着新生涯的开端。详情
- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:切基·卡尤 Nina Petronzio Christopher Forrest
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:乔(Nina Petronzio饰)小小年纪便具有出色的绘画天赋,她勤奋地参加培训班,结识了好友菲利克斯(Christopher Forrest饰)。在乔的心目中,文森特•梵高是她顶礼膜拜的人物,她的乔(Nina Petronzio饰)小大年事便具有俊拔的绘画先天,她勤劳地介进培训班,结识了密友菲利克斯(Christopher Forrest饰)。在乔的心目中,文森特•梵高是她顶礼跪拜的人物,她的画风有着狠恶的梵高气概。估客温科勒(Vernon Dobtcheff饰)买下了乔一副乡村油画,令乔始料不及的是,温科勒竟回身以梵高童年作品的假话把画拍卖进来。乔和菲利克斯决定捅破这个假话,粉饰温科勒的欺骗手腕。可是,画毕竟被拍卖到何人手中,又若何寻觅到这名卖家,通知他实情,让乔倍感困难。环节时辰,照旧梵高给了她停整理和力气,她以独占的童真和不懈的毅力,不测有了一次和梵高近距离打仗的机遇,成果居然水到渠成……©豆瓣 详情
- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:Lina El Arabi Sébastien Houbani 巴巴克·卡里米 Nina Kulkarni 奥利维埃·古尔梅 阿丽斯·德·朗克桑 扎克瑞·察赛里奥德 Aurora Marion Rania Mellouli Harmandeep Palminder 桑德尔·丰泰克 Bilel Ghommidh Qari Ikram Nabi Kailany Hervé Sogne Édith Le Merdy
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:扎希拉在比利时的一个巴基斯坦家庭中长大。因为意外怀孕,她现在正坐在一位医生的办公室里询问可以打掉孩子的方法。犹豫不决的希拉决定向朋友和家人寻求帮助。虽然她的家人对她表示了理解和同情,但是却默默帮她物色扎希拉在比利时的一个巴基斯坦家庭中长大。因为不测怀孕,她如今正坐在一位医生的办公室里扣问可以打掉孩子的方式。游移不决的希拉决定向冤家和家人寻求辅佐。固然她的家人对她暗示了体会和同情,可是却默默帮她物色了三个远房亲戚作为成婚的对象。怙恃让她从被选择一个,并且感觉女儿已经掉掉了本人已经想都不敢想的“安闲”。在宗教世俗和寻求本人人生的企看中,扎希拉必需做出选择。详情
- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:Katharina M. Schubert 奥列佛·斯托科斯基 Nina Monka Leonie Brill Tamino Wecker
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:1968年的德国,整个国家正在从二战的阴霾中逐渐苏醒,但是出生在“二战时期”的女主人翁伊伦的内心始终甩不掉战争留下的阴影,中年的她已有两个孩子:戴希曼和华沙,本来一家四口应该享受着舒适的生活,但伊伦的1968年的德国,整个国家正在从二战的阴霾中逐步复苏,可是降生在“二战时期”的女主人翁伊伦的心里一向甩不掉战争留下的暗影,中年的她已有两个孩子:戴希曼和华沙,原本一家四口应当享用着温馨的生存,但伊伦的老公迪特尔却和别的一个女人有染,这一点被伊伦发明,使她软弱的心灵再次收到损伤,她想过一死了之,但担心不下孩子,但已有力再继续摒挡家务,懂事的孩子们决定本人赐顾帮衬本人,停整理母亲能康乐起来,不幸的伊伦命运毕竟若何?是选择分隔照旧继续如许生不如死的生存呢?详情
- 类型:战争 电影
- 主演:Nina Drobysheva Yevgeni Urbansky
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:One of the most important examples of the post-1956 thaw-period in Soviet cinema, the film is in thrOne of the most important examples of the post-1956 thaw-period in Soviet cinema, the film is in three parts. The first is the swooning romance of Sasha and pilot Aleksei, who scrupulously determines that Sasha has graduated school before succumbing to her aggressive pursuit of him. Chukhrai establishes a strenuous camera style, consisting of swooping movement punctuated by tight closeups, which he carries over to the second part, the couple’s wartime separation. (The couple by fiat consider themselves married—a nice anti-bureaucratic touch.) One passage, where Sasha hopes to catch a glimpse of her father in a troop train passing through, is visually hysterical due to this “style.” Word arrives that Aleksei’s plane has been shot down; the nation proclaims him a dead hero. Sasha bears Aleksei’s son and still hopes her beloved will return. The war ends, and he does. Part Three is narratively elliptical and, visually, mostly subdued—a different style; a different film, given the narrative through-line. Stripped of his “posthumous” medal, as well as his Communist Party membership, Aleksei turns to drink; his crime is that he survived, from which cowardice or even collaboration with the enemy can be deduced. (Apparently Aleksei was unconscious when he was caught and imprisoned by Germans.) Aleksei keeps petitioning for Party reinstatement, but after confronting a statue of Stalin even he loses confidence in his cause! Stalin dies, and everything is set right. Aleksei looks on with pride as the son who disdained him lands a plane from the now clear sky!The film was produced during the short period in the Khrushchev administration when criticism of the abuse of power under Stalin's leadership was accepted; within three years, Brezhnev had risen to power and this sort of commentary would once again be forbidden.Действие происходит в СССР в 1950-е годы.Лётчик Алексей Астахов воевал и попал в плен, потом бежал. В мирное время Алексей столкнулся с недоверием и подозрительностью - как военнослужащий, побывавший в плену и тем самым "запятнавший моральный облик советского летчика". Алексей страдает, не может найти работу по профессии и место в жизни. Его спасает любовь Саши Львовой, которую она пронесла через войну и все трудности послевоенного времени. После смерти Сталина Астахова вызывают в Минобороны, где возвращают звезду Героя Советского Союза. Алексей возвращается в авиаотряд и испытывает самолеты. 详情