

  • 恐怖 恐怖片 电影 
  • Daniele De Martino Rocco Marazzita Lucia Caporaso 
  • 93分钟
  • 父亲住院后,Emma从纽约飞回意大利老家。独自一人在父母家中,她发现了一台被诅咒的收音机,并感受到邪恶的存在。Emma必须揭开收音机背后的黑暗秘密,才能熬过黑夜,保护她所爱的人。父亲住院后,Emma从纽约飞回意大利老家。独自一人在父母家中,她发现了一台被诅咒的收音机,并感遭到罪恶的存在。Emma必需揭开收音机面前的黑暗秘密,才干熬过黑夜,维护她所爱的人。
  • 剧情 犯罪 电影 
  • 法哈德·法西尔 Dileesh Pothan Unnimaya Prasad 
  • 113分钟
  • Joji, an engineering dropout and the youngest son of the rich plantation family lives with his aspirJoji, an engineering dropout and the youngest son of the rich plantation family lives with his aspirations of becoming a super wealthy NRI. But his father sees down on him as a proper loser. Driven by greed and blind ambition, Joji finally decide to execute his plans following an unexpected event in the family. Will he succeed in achieving his dreams?
  • 剧情 动作 爱情 电影 
  • 杜奎尔·沙尔曼 Mrunal Thakur Rashmika Mandanna Sumanth Sumanth 
  • 163分钟
  • 身为孤儿地士兵Ram中尉因为战功接受采访后收到了许多人的来信,包括一个在信中自称是ram妻子的名叫sita的女孩,他的生活自此发生了变化。 Ram想办法找到了Sita,爱情在他们之间绽放。 当他回到他身为孤儿地战士Ram中尉由于战功接受采访后收到了许多人的来信,包括一个在信中自称是ram妻子的名叫sita的女孩,他的生活自此发作了变化。 Ram想方法找到了Sita,爱情在他们之间绽放。 当他回到他在克什米尔的营地时,他给 Sita 寄了一封信,但她没有收到
  • 剧情 纪录片 纪录 电影 
  • Signe Westberg Ton Gras Jonasz Hapka 
  • 93分钟
  • There is a geography of miracles.  Jonasz studies insects and fishes, Signe leaves and herbs. AfteThere is a geography of miracles.  Jonasz studies insects and fishes, Signe leaves and herbs. After a day spent in gardens and libraries, they meet, take the train and leave the city, pitching their tent on the shores of a lake. As they read, eat fruit, wander the forest and swim in the cold water, the outside world feels further and further away. A stranger appears and a trio i...
  • 冒险 电影 
  • TeuiraShantiNapa 米拉·索维诺 RickySuaava 
  • 豆瓣 N/ABasedontheincredibletrue-lifestoryofChiefessKapiolaniwhodescendedintoanactivevolcanotodemonstratehernew-foundfaithandusheredinanewdianshiyu.combeginninginHawaii.