

  • 喜剧 
  • 汤姆·格林 莱斯 斯特劳德 Stacy Brown Jr. Jessi Combs Elise Edwards Tera Eckerle A.J. Koehler Brian Kowalski Rick Dyer Jeff Evans Skully Shemwell William Hamblin Micheal D. King David Wassilak Bryan Kreutz 
  • CoryMathis(LesStroud),arespectedcollegeprofessor,claimsamythicalforestcreaturekilledhiswifetransformCoryMathis(LesStroud),arespectedcollegeprofessor,claimsamythicalforestcreaturekilledhiswifetransforminghimintoamanhauntedbyobsessionandrevenge.HepartnersupwithlegendaryBigFoothunterFranAndersen(StacyBrownJr.)whoisouttocollecttheNatGeo10milliondollarbountyforcaptureofthecreature.Unfortunately,by-the-bookforestranger,BillyTeal(TomGreen),acovertgovernmentagencyandaserialhoaxer(RickDyer)haveotherplans.Adarkandwittycomedywithadysfunctionalprotagonist,atwistednarrative,andaseriesofeventsthatbuildsintoashockerofanending.TheCanadianduoofTomGreenandLesStroudhititoutoftheforest
  • 剧情 
  • Hannah Fry Helen Czerski Kevin Fong Teena Gade Peter Gibbs Michael Mosley Adam Rutherford Zoe Williams Giles Yeo James Young 
  • This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather thThis episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we have today to provide an evidence-based vision of tomorrow. With the help of the BBC's science experts - and a few surprise guests - Hannah investigates the questions the British public want answered about the future.   Hannah tries to discover whether we could ever live forever or if there will ever be a cure for cancer. She finds out how research into the human brain may one day help with mental health, and if it is possible to ever ditch fossil fuels. Hannah and her guests also discover the future of transport - and when, if ever, we really will see flying cars. She discovers whether a robot will take your job or if, as some believe, we will all one day actually become cyborgs. The programme predicts what the weather will be like and discovers if we are on the verge of another mass extinction. Hannah's tenth prediction is something she - and Horizon - are confident will definitely happen, and that is to expect the unexpected!
  • 动作 
  • 迈克尔·比恩 马丁·科夫 Krzysztof Soszynski 尼克·贝特曼 安德森·席尔瓦 Jerry A. Ziler Cody Hackman 
  • 迈克尔是一位武术天赋,他就职于判处社区效劳的空手道学校在竞赛中,他遇到了十年前杀死他家人的对手。于是他决议让他付出代价。在竞赛中,他一定要亲手打到这个杀亲仇人。 这部由美国著名导演艾伦杉于2014年制迈克尔是一位武术天赋,他就职于判处社区效力的空手道学校在竞赛中,他遇到了十年前杀死他家人的对手。于是他决议让他付出代价。在竞赛中,他一定要亲手打到这个杀亲仇人。 这部由美国著名导演艾伦杉于2014年制造的《运用》约请了迈克尔.Biehn 马丁.Kove等明星参与,值得一看
  • 剧情 
  • Enzo Gaier Natasa Paunovic 诺拉·茨切纳 Andreas Kiendl 比比安娜·泽勒 Ernst Stankovski 
  • 在同窗眼中,米卡是个怪咖,整天活在自己的世界里。有一天,米卡家隔壁搬来了两个新邻居:因赌博而负债累累的数学家沙夏和他买乐透彩所赢得的一匹骏马。沙夏想卖掉骏马抵债,却遍寻不着买家,而米卡和马儿的偶遇,也在同窗眼中,米卡是个怪咖,整天活在自己的世界里。有一天,米卡家隔壁搬来了两个新邻居:因赌博而负债累累的数学家沙夏和他买乐透彩所赢得的一匹骏马。沙夏想卖掉骏马抵债,却遍寻不着买家,而米卡和马儿的偶遇,也不测地让米卡活出了新的自我。合理沙夏决议让马儿陪在米卡身边时,却不知道坏人债主早已谋划了罪恶的阴谋
  • 剧情 喜剧 爱情 同性 电视 
  • KatieStuart BruceNovakowski ShawnRichard 
  • 10
  • Afterabrieffling,Rita(spirituallyminded24yearoldwhoidentifiesasalesbianthatworksasamentalhealthworkeAfterabrieffling,Rita(spirituallyminded24yearoldwhoidentifiesasalesbianthatworksasamentalhealthworker)andAdam(25yearoldflamboyant,straightcareerobsessedfilmmaker)decidethattheyarebetteroffasfriendsthanromanticpartners.ThisrealizationchangesdrasticallywhenaweeklatertheyfindouttheyarepregnantduetoafailedcondomandafailedPlanbpill.Afterdebatingwhetherthisanomalyisbadluckordestiny,RitaandAdamdecidetokeepthebabyandenterthewildandcrazyworldofunplannedparenthood.Atruestoryofwhattoexpectwhenyou'renotexpecting.