

  • 美国 欧美 
  • 福里斯特·惠特克 奈杰尔·萨奇 Yanna Buttons 露西·弗莱 Todd Grubbs Grace Porter Sharon Hunte 
  • GodfatherofHarlemSeason2findsBumpyJohnsonbattlingtheNewYorkCrimeFamiliesforcontrolofthelucrativeandmGodfatherofHarlemSeason2findsBumpyJohnsonbattlingtheNewYorkCrimeFamiliesforcontrolofthelucrativeandmurderous“FrenchConnection,”thepipelineforherointhatrunsfromMarseillestoNewYorkHarbor.WithadistributionsyndicatethatincludesblackcrimebossesfromothermajorU.S.cities,BumpytakesacuefromhisfriendMalcolmX’smessageofblackeconomicnationalism.HisambitiousplanwillfacechallengesfromnotonlytheItaliansbuthiswifeMayme,daughterElise,rivalAdamClaytonPowell,prosecutorRobertMorgenthau,andevenMalcolmhimself.Onceagain,GodfatherofHarlemexploresthecollisionofthecriminalunderworldandcivilrightsinthecolorful,tumultuousyearof1964
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Tori Black Marek Matousek Torey D. Sutton 
  • "Half Moon" tells the story of a city gripped with fear because of a man killing prostitut"Half Moon" tells the story of a city gripped with fear because of a man killing prostitutes. When down on her luck prostitute Rose (Shellie Chapman aka Tori Black) goes to a hotel to meet a man who seems like the perfect guy things soon change and she suspects he could be the killer ...or worse a Werewolf!
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Jessica Moore James Sutterfield Ale Dugas 
  • Gloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer andGloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer and social critic Sarah Asproon researching her new book. Peter finds out and blackmails her by demanding sex for his silence. Meanwhile Sarah develops feelings for computer whiz Cliff, who struggles to resolve his own sexual orientation.
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Norma Bengell Odete Lara Mário Benvenutti 
  • 本片围绕着四个角色进行。晚上离开妻儿出门的卢悉奥(Luisinho)和刚结束一段感情生活的纳尔逊(Nelson)驾驶着汽车四处寻乐,以此打发晚上的空虚和无聊。几经周折之后他们找了两名三陪女子回到房间。本片围绕着四个角色停止。早晨分开妻儿出门的卢悉奥(Luisinho)和刚完毕一段感情生活的纳尔逊(Nelson)驾驶着汽车四处寻乐,以此打发早晨的空虚和无聊。几经周折之后他们找了两名三陪女子回到房间。整个夜晚四团体之间的关系不时发作巧妙变化。该片前75分钟全部为夜景,配以略带诡异觉得的钢琴曲,整部作品偏现代。
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Jutta.Dorn Gabriel.Duppel 
  • 西德时期性喜剧电影,非常情趣,值得一看西德时期性喜剧电影,十分情味,值得一看