

  • 剧情 喜剧 爱情 喜剧片 
  • Dustin Ingram Jee Young Han Daniel Yelsky 
  • 托比(达斯汀·英格拉姆DustinIngram饰)的性启蒙老师,是一位名叫莫妮卡(金·凯特罗尔KimCattrall饰)的成人电影明星。所以,当他的得知莫妮卡此时正在几百英里开外的一个小镇上进行表演时托比(达斯汀·英格拉姆DustinIngram饰)的性启蒙教员,是一位名叫莫妮卡(金·凯特罗尔KimCattrall饰)的成人电影明星。所以,当他的得知莫妮卡此时正在几百英里开外的一个小镇上中止扮演时,毫不犹疑的决议驱车前往。可是,直到面对面见到莫妮卡后,托比才发现,站在眼前的这个稍微有些发胖的中年女人,和自己在银幕上看到的性感撩人风情万种的女明星之间,有着大相径庭。光阴的流逝让莫妮卡再也无法吃青春这碗饭了,如今她只能靠着在低端的夜总会里扮演脱衣舞来养活自己的孩子。托比的到来让给莫妮卡灰暗的人生带来了一抹亮丽的荣耀。
  • 剧情 
  • Hannah Fry Helen Czerski Kevin Fong Teena Gade Peter Gibbs Michael Mosley Adam Rutherford Zoe Williams Giles Yeo James Young 
  • This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather thThis episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we have today to provide an evidence-based vision of tomorrow. With the help of the BBC's science experts - and a few surprise guests - Hannah investigates the questions the British public want answered about the future.   Hannah tries to discover whether we could ever live forever or if there will ever be a cure for cancer. She finds out how research into the human brain may one day help with mental health, and if it is possible to ever ditch fossil fuels. Hannah and her guests also discover the future of transport - and when, if ever, we really will see flying cars. She discovers whether a robot will take your job or if, as some believe, we will all one day actually become cyborgs. The programme predicts what the weather will be like and discovers if we are on the verge of another mass extinction. Hannah's tenth prediction is something she - and Horizon - are confident will definitely happen, and that is to expect the unexpected!
  • 剧情 
  • Hannah Fry Helen Czerski Kevin Fong Teena Gade Peter Gibbs Michael Mosley Adam Rutherford Zoe Williams Giles Yeo James Young 
  • This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather thThis episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we have today to provide an evidence-based vision of tomorrow. With the help of the BBC's science experts - and a few surprise guests - Hannah investigates the questions the British public want answered about the future.   Hannah tries to discover whether we could ever live forever or if there will ever be a cure for cancer. She finds out how research into the human brain may one day help with mental health, and if it is possible to ever ditch fossil fuels. Hannah and her guests also discover the future of transport - and when, if ever, we really will see flying cars. She discovers whether a robot will take your job or if, as some believe, we will all one day actually become cyborgs. The programme predicts what the weather will be like and discovers if we are on the verge of another mass extinction. Hannah's tenth prediction is something she - and Horizon - are confident will definitely happen, and that is to expect the unexpected!
  • 剧情 
  • 克里斯托弗·戈勒姆 Natalie Medlock Russell Dixon Joe Folau 米莉亚玛·史密斯 Alex Tarrant 伊恩·穆内 Nicole Whippy Matt Young Brenda Kendall 
  • Missionary John H. Groberg returns to Tonga in the 1960s with his wife and their five young daughterMissionary John H. Groberg returns to Tonga in the 1960s with his wife and their five young daughters. When their sixth child is born with a serious illness, the Grobergs face their ultimate test of faith, only to find themselves surrounded by the love and prayers of thousands of Tongans. Barriers of inter religious strife are soon broken down as all unite in hopes of a miracle that will save the baby's life, as well as the life of a Tongan minister's son.
  • 欧美 电视 
  • 保罗·路德 艾斯林·贝亚 戴斯敏·博格斯 凯伦·皮特曼 杨罗布 金格·贡萨加 彼得·戈罗西 钱睿博 Zoe Chao Joseph Bessette Emily Young Gopal Lalwani Eden Malyn Roger Anthony Adam Butterfield Clark Carmichael Kelvin Hale 
  • Netflix 原创剧集《悦纳新自我》是一部创新性的存在主义喜剧,引发了这样一个问题:我们真的想成为更好的人吗?男主迈尔斯(保罗·路德饰演)在生活中苦苦挣扎。为了成为一个更好的人,他接受了新颖的温泉疗Netflix 原创剧集《悦纳新自我》是一部创新性的存在主义喜剧,引发了这样一个问题:我们真的想成为更好的人吗?男主迈尔斯(保罗·路德饰演)在生活中苦苦挣扎。为了成为一个更好的人,他接受了新颖的温泉疗法,并在之后发明 自己被全新、增强版的自己替代了。迈尔斯要面对自己的行为所造成的意外后果,他渐渐意识到自己必须为了妻子凯特(艾斯林·贝亚饰演)、事业和真正的自己而努力。 本剧集从多个角度讲述,共八集,由艾美奖得主蒂莫西·格林伯格(《司徒囧每日秀》)创作并编写、乔纳森·戴顿和维莱莉·法瑞斯(《性别之战》《阳光小美女》)执导,保罗·路德主演(一人分饰两角)。格林伯格与 Likely Story 的安东尼·贝格曼和杰夫·斯特恩、Jax Media 的托尼·埃尔南德斯、戴顿、法瑞斯、路德以及杰夫·布利茨担当 监制。
  • 喜剧 
  • 格雷厄姆·查普曼 约翰·克立斯 艾瑞克·爱都 特瑞·吉列姆 特瑞·琼斯 麦克·帕林 康妮·布斯 卡萝尔·克力夫兰 尼尔·尹艾斯 比·达夫尔 John Young 莎莉·金霍恩 桑迪·约翰逊 Joni Flynn 玛格丽塔·道尔 Charles Knode Roy Forge Smith Maggie Weston 
  • 带着敲椰子壳的仆人,亚瑟王(格雷厄姆·查普曼 Graham Chapman 饰)伪装骑着马寻觅骑士和城堡,一路看尽生灵涂炭的现象,和各种鸡同鸭讲的民众交流,最后招徕到一群圆桌骑士他们一同伪装骑着马,到带着敲椰子壳的仆人,亚瑟王(格雷厄姆·查普曼 Graham Chapman 饰)伪装骑着马寻觅骑士和城堡,一路看尽水深炽热的现象,和各种鸡同鸭讲的民众交流,最后招徕到一群圆桌骑士他们一同伪装骑着马,到了卡米洛特城堡,在城堡外,他们遇见天上显现的上帝,要求他们去寻觅圣杯他们试图用“木獾记”攻陷一座法国人的城堡,但是却遗忘藏身在木獾里,最终被法国人打得落花流水。阅历失败的亚瑟王与骑士们末尾分头举动,寻觅圣杯的义务意义严重,更多不靠谱的人和事一路等候这群不靠谱的骑士们……   本片是唯逐一部进入IMDB前50排名的“无厘头”电影。片中“巨蟒团”六名中心成员每人出演了4-10个角色,包揽片中大局部角色。