

  • 剧情 惊悚 电影 
  • Scott Croushore Rodney Grier Kennedy Waite Portia Realer Walter Anaruk David Waite Holly Westwood Carmine DePaulo Matthew J. Plumb Macayla Hyde 
  • 90分钟
  • 一个有威望的参议员(厄尼•赫德森)在联盟站上火车时,他期待一个平静之旅。他的此次旅行被中断,一群民兵组织劫持了火车,把他和其他数名乘客扣为人质,在车上策划着一次核炸弹。英勇的ATF特工(杰夫•费伊)也  艺术教员欠下了巨额的债务,而他的债主是一名无情的黑帮老大。黑帮的压榨与逼债使教员身陷绝望,无处可躲。在心甘情愿之际,教员预备绑架一名棒球运发动的女儿,以此胁迫对方家长,希望可以还清债务。令他没有想到的是,绑架事情不测重重,每一件事都在深深地拷问着他的心灵。事实上,作为一个本性残酷的人当他谋划绑架女孩时,就预示着他的方案将会以失败告终。
  • 剧情 短片 剧情片 电影 
  • Lou Thomson Gaspard Chartrand 伊曼纽尔·比洛多 凯瑟琳·德·莱恩 Robin L'Houmeau Jérémy Poirier Cécilia Lapierre Léon-Charles Arseneau 
  • 21分钟
  • For Gaby, not much has changed since last summer. For everybody else, apparently everything is diffeFor Gaby, not much has changed since last summer. For everybody else, apparently everything is different. The 13-year-old is back on the island where her dad lives, and everyone keeps giving her the strangest looks. Even Fourmi, her best friend, keeps brushing her off. When one of the boys starts singing an ode to Gaby’s “hills”, it’s the final straw. Tongue firmly in cheek, Zo... (展开全部)   For Gaby, not much has changed since last summer. For everybody else, apparently everything is different. The 13-year-old is back on the island where her dad lives, and everyone keeps giving her the strangest looks. Even Fourmi, her best friend, keeps brushing her off. When one of the boys starts singing an ode to Gaby’s “hills”, it’s the final straw. Tongue firmly in cheek, Zoé Pelchat sends her titular heroine into battle to disarm the male gaze.
  • 动作 动作片 电影 
  • Geena Alexandra Anton Bex Jessica DeBonville Fiona Dorn Mariana Jaccazio 奎顿·杰克逊 Samantha Long Sof Puchley Liana Ramirez 埃里克·罗伯茨 Flora Rubenhold Narisa Suzuki Sunny Tellone Gina Vitori 
  • 88分钟
  • 潜伏于白昼与深夜的恶意蠢蠢欲动,围绕在都市里人与人之间的冷漠自私,与从未察觉日常潜藏的问题与后果,日常无声的街巷、人声鼎沸的商圈、表面宁静的住宅大楼,透过每集不一样的都市场域,直窥种种细思极恐的核心,潜伏于白昼与深夜的恶意摩拳擦掌,围绕在都市里人与人之间的冷漠无私,与从未觉察日常潜藏的效果与结果,日常无声的街巷、人声鼎沸的商圈、外表安静的住宅大楼,透过每集不一样的都市场域,直窥种种细思极恐的中心,你所不知的恐惧事情随时发作……