

  • 喜剧 
  • 娜塔尔雅·卢达科娃 JayO.Sanders DougE.Doug ShannonElizabeth 斯蒂夫·古根伯格 
  • 虚幻罗曼史又名恋爱小说报告年轻艳丽的小学教员玛丽(CarolineDucey凯瑟琳·杜希饰)与了解三个月的男朋友保罗(SagamoreStévenin萨加莫尔·史蒂文饰)同居,固然保罗口口声声说深爱虚幻罗曼史又名恋爱小说报告年轻艳丽的小学教员玛丽(CarolineDucey凯瑟琳·杜希饰)与了解三个月的男朋友保罗(SagamoreStévenin萨加莫尔·史蒂文饰)同居,固然保罗口口声声说深爱玛丽,却从不与她做爱。即使玛丽极尽撩拨之能,也一向得不到回应。倍感丧掉和蟠曲的她毕竟测验测验出轨,她周转与各色汉子之间,尽兴享用久违的肉体欢愉。  可是即便云云,玛丽依然猖狂爱着阿谁让她心碎、吃醋、痴迷的保罗。在不甚成功的床第欢愉今后,玛丽毕竟怀怀孕孕,也如愿和保罗走进婚配的殿堂。只是,似乎一切并未是以有所修改……
  • 美国 
  • Liza Goddard Adam Roper Punch Edward Fidoe 
  • A young boy becomes a dog from time to time.Long running Children's TV series telling the storiA young boy becomes a dog from time to time.Long running Children's TV series telling the stories and adventures of a young schoolboy who gains the power of transforming himself into a dog. Only his best friend knows this and helps him protect the secret from the boy's parents, the school headmaster Mr. Blocker and also from their friend and their school-teacher Miss Jessop. Over the years, the cast changes (due to the young children growing up.) so that we see three different set of adventures for three school-children (with always a boy the one who turns into a dog.) with three different breeds of dog - all with Miss Jessop linking them... Written by Lee Horton {Leeh@tcp.co.uk}
  • 恐怖 
  • Chloe Bear Lynn Csontos Natasha Davidson Eliza Faria Deborah Finkel 
  •  一个家庭搬到一个销毁的孤儿院,他们很快体会到他们的孤儿院有一个使人不安的历史,并置信他们并不伶仃 一个家庭搬到一个销毁的孤儿院,他们很快体会到他们的孤儿院有一个使人不安的历史,并置信他们并不伶仃
  • 动作 
  • David A.R. White 布莱恩·伯茨沃斯 埃里克·罗伯茨 Logan White Steve Borden Noell Coet Jen Lilley Eliza Roberts Bruce Marchiano Sarah Prikryl David 'Shark' Fralick Russell Wolfe Leticia Robles 罗伯特·米亚诺 Ella Berry 
  • 《启迪之路:是终了也是末尾》是2013年上映的一部举措影戏。重要报告了乔希是一个重大的旅游倾销员。可是,在毛病的时候,分开了满目疮痍的西德克萨斯城。以是,产生发火了持续串的不幸的事情。以是,也招致了他《启迪之路:是终了也是末尾》是2013年上映的一部举措影戏。重要报告了乔希是一个重大的旅游倾销员。可是,在毛病的时候,分开了满目疮痍的西德克萨斯城。以是,产生发火了持续串的不幸的事情。以是,也招致了他要面临一个叫做罪过野生番的摩托车黑帮…因此,紧接着,天空忽然的一闪灼,带来了一系列的严重地动,整个世界都已经堕进到了杂乱傍边。有人说,世界末日就要到来了。可是,不管发何为么事情,都不可构造他回家的决计。而当世界就要祛除的时分,你正在那边呢?www.shiqu.com视趣网编纂。
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Winky Wiryawan Prisia Nasution Nova Eliza 
  • Waking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband: tWaking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband: their first baby has died. Both of them are experiencing tremendous depression. Mayang can not accept it. Everyone at the hospital is sure that she is hallucinating. She contacts the police to look for a bright spot in this strange case. Dr. Vera who helped her give birth, provides evidence: the document of her baby's death with several photographs of the incident. Mayang who chooses not to give up begins to be considered crazy by some people in the hospital, including her own husband. Moreover, she feels to be followed by a spirit.
  • 动画 电影 
  • StephenThomasOchsner DaniilMedvedev LizaKlimova 
  • 84
  • 生涯在魚兒鎮的小海豚戴菲總是活在自己的世界,不斷地說著自己能夠掌握「海豚拳」的秘訣,不知鎮民們都拿他當笑柄。其實戴菲有一個机密沒讓各人知道,他偷偷地暗戀章魚市長的養女,但她早已名花有主,準備要嫁給小鎮生活生计在魚兒鎮的小海豚戴菲總是活在本人的世界,不斷地說著本人能夠把握「海豚拳」的秘訣,不知鎮平易近們都拿他當笑柄。其實戴菲有一個奥秘沒讓同伙们知道,他偷偷地暗戀章魚市長的養女,但她早已名花有主,準備要嫁給小鎮的萬人迷。某一天,苦悶的戴菲四處閒晃時,不测發現一座具有魔力的拱門,似乎只需穿越它,就能變成本人想要的樣子。沒想到邪惡的海鰻幫也發覺了拱門的奥秘,藉著它變大也變強,甚至伺機领受魚兒鎮。聰明的戴菲終於有機會能證明本人的長才,他可否想到方式擊退海鰻幫,並且抱得美「豚」歸呢?本片堪稱是俄羅斯版的《海底總動員》,集結海豚、海鰻、章魚等差异種類的陆地生物,呈現出了一個獨特又童趣的深海世界,動畫呈現獨樹一幟,企圖心不小。片中甚至出現了時空穿越的父子情深戲碼,像是對《星際效應》的致敬,實在妙趣橫生。
  • 爱情 电影 
  • 露西·宝通 斯坦利·韦伯 乔迪·梅 茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森 阿宾·格雷亚 Elizabeth Webster 伊娃·马格亚 Karin Bertling 
  • Let Me Go is a film about mothers and daughters, it is about ghosts from the past and the impact theLet Me Go is a film about mothers and daughters, it is about ghosts from the past and the impact they leave on the present. Developed from Helga Schneider's true life story, Let Me Go explores the effect on Helga's life of being abandoned by her mother, Traudi in 1941 when she was just four years old. The film is set in the year 2000 following not only Helga and Traudi's journeys but the next two generations and how Beth, Helga's daughter and Emily her granddaughter are confronted with the long-term effects of Traudi's leaving. When Helga receives a letter telling her that Traudi is close to death, it is Emily with whom Helga shares the truth. Emily volunteers to accompany her to Vienna to meet the great-grandmother she thought was dead, and experience the unraveling of the darkest of family secrets.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Roberto Farnesi Ray Lovelock Patrizio Pelizzi 
  • 警察局接到一宗伯爵夫人遇害的案件。调查员卢卡和女警官伊莎贝勒开始了周密的调查,他们向蒙蒂格理尼伯爵保证一定找出杀人凶手。卢卡的女友希薇尔也用心帮他寻找线索,他的爱犬波波更是全力以赴协助主人。伊凡诺一直差人局接到一宗伯爵夫人遇害的案件。查询拜访员卢卡和女警官伊莎贝勒末尾了缜密的查询拜访,他们向蒙蒂格理尼伯爵保证必定找出杀人凶手。卢卡的女友希薇尔也专心帮他寻觅线索,他的爱犬波波更是休养生息辅佐主人。伊凡诺不时将希薇尔当做他的冤家,时常找机遇接近希薇尔。警方狐疑伯爵夫人往日的恋人克瑞斯汀图财害命,也派人查询拜访伯爵的恋人索妮亚,但都没有充分的证据。直到警方接到一位私人侦察手托尼的死讯,案情才逐步显显露千丝万缕,波波在此次侦破中又为主人立了功。