- 类型:剧情
- 主演:Sabine Timoteo Hiroki Mano Florian Müller-Mohrungen
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Lynn(22)liveswithherbrotherinBerlin.Theresheenjoystheadvantagesoffamilylife,withoutreallyfeelinginvoLynn(22)liveswithherbrotherinBerlin.Theresheenjoystheadvantagesoffamilylife,withoutreallyfeelinginvolvedinit.Shedoesnothaveanypreciseaiminlife,butmanagestoawakentheinterestofmanypeoplewithherdirectandspontaneouscharacter.HerboyfriendDavidisverydifferent:heisentirelyengrossedinhisverydisciplinedswimmingtrainingfortheworldchampionships.DaviddoesnotintendtoallowhimselftobedistractedbythecomplicatingfactorsofarelationshipwithLynn.WhenLynn,workingbehindthetillofrestaurant,meetstheJapanesestudentKoji,everythinggetsmorecomplicated.Theycan’texchangemanywords,butitissoonclearthattheirmomentstogethermeanalottobothofthem详情
- 类型:剧情
- 主演:马克·韦伯 Cheri Honkala Guillermo Santos
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Director and actor Mark Webber explores family dynamics using his real family as the cast and real-lDirector and actor Mark Webber explores family dynamics using his real family as the cast and real-life situations for the story to create a film that authentically blurs the line between narrative and documentary. Flesh and Blood tells the story of Mark, a man returning home from prison to live with his mother and teenage brother in the inner city of Philadelphia. Attempts to rebuild his life become frustrated by struggles with sobriety, a strained relationship with his activist mother, the neglect of a teenage brother with Aspergers and a rehashed cycle of abandonment by addict fathers. A dysfunctional family tree soon emerges whose every branch is not only broken but likely unrepairable. 来源:西瓜影音详情
- 类型:剧情
- 主演:达尔·萨利姆 扎特科·巴瑞克 Patricia Schumann Ole Dupont 拉斯马斯·伯格 Liv Leman Brandorf 迪特·汉森 Torben Zeller Hircano Soares Andreas Bo Pedersen Runi Lewerissa Moowgliie Duissara Sarah Hermansen Sara Masoudi Arien Takiar
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:Iqbal and Sille are best friends and have always lived next door to each other. Their street must unIqbal and Sille are best friends and have always lived next door to each other. Their street must undergo urban regeneration and Easelman and The Swine will unluckily be in charge of the project. For the construction project is in fact a cover to get their hands on the oil they have discovered beneath Blågårdsgade. Iqbal and Sille must now fight against the villains and get the money to buy back their building, so they don't have to move away from each other. When Iqbal discovers a chip with magic energy, the kids manage to convince Easelman and The Swine to buy the chip so they can reclaim their building. But the villains deceive the children, and now Iqbal, Sille and the grown-ups in Blågårdsgade must put in every effort to retrieve the chip and expose the villains' secret plan. 详情
- 类型:恐怖 电影
- 主演:Caitlin Halderman Jefri Nichol Marsha Aruan Ciccio Manassero Susan Sameh Irsyadillah Mike Lucock Miller Khan Cathy Natafitria Fakandi 汉娜·阿尔·拉希德 Salvita Decorte Rima Melati
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:高中生潔西卡、班尼、迪安、艾瑞克和琳達,计划 用手機拍攝他們的冒險經歷影片,只為了能在社群網站上獲得人氣。他們決定潛入一間有名的廢棄公寓,琳達說服管理員讓他們進去後,五人發現了一間被警用封鎖線圍起來的高中生潔西卡、班尼、迪安、艾瑞克和琳達,计划 用手機拍攝他們的冒險經歷影片,只為了能在社群網站上獲得人氣。他們決定潛入一間有名的廢棄公寓,琳達說服管理員讓他們進去後,五人發現了一間被警用封鎖線圍起來的公寓,在好奇心驅使下他們闖入了公寓。 他們四處搜索,並在房間裡發現了一張老舊的牛皮紙,身為唯一看得懂牛皮紙上文字的人,琳達朗讀紙上咒語,一個神秘的入口突然出現…五人發現自己無意間打開了通往神秘世界的入口,不僅如此,還觸怒了守護入口的超自然生物⋯。一場變調的試膽大會,喚醒了驚悚的靈異殺機,現在他們心中只剩下對死亡的恐懼、與回家的渴望…… 详情
- 类型:剧情
- 主演:埃米尔·雅宁斯 梅丽· 戴尔沙夫特 Max Hiller
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:本片主人公(爱米尔·强宁斯 Emil Jannings 饰)是一所大旅馆的看门人,不时以来他都为这份面子的任务感到自豪当他下班后穿着神情的制服,回到自己所寓居的贫民区时,邻居们都会向他投来羡慕的目光。本片主人公(爱米尔·强宁斯 Emil Jannings 饰)是一所大旅馆的看门人,不时以来他都为这份面子的义务感到自豪当他下班后穿着神情的制服,回到自己所寓居的贫民区时,邻居们都会向他投来羡慕的目光。新一天末尾了,如常下班的他却原告知老板要解雇他,由于他年岁太大了。但念在他义务多年的份上,老板把他调去清扫厕所,还要收 回他的金边制服。他一下子从神情十足的看门人变成了低三下四的厕所清洁工。不能接受这个事实的他,夜里潜入旅馆把制服偷了回来。他穿着制服去参与侄女的婚礼,没有把被调职一事通知亲朋好友。很快,他的秘密被他人知道了,大家纷繁讪笑他。他再也没有颜面去面对他人了,于是跑回旅馆出借了制服,失魂落魄地坐在厕所中。但是故事并没有就此终了…… 详情
- 类型:动漫
- 主演:安吉拉·贝塞特 Daniel Hansen 乔丹·弗雷 Matthew Josten John H. H. Ford 达拉·麦加瑞 汤姆·肯尼 劳里·梅特卡夫 唐·霍尔 保罗·布切 Tracey Miller-Zarneke Wesley Singerman Jessie Flower 斯蒂芬·安德森 伊桑·桑德勒 亚当·威斯特
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:刘易斯是一个十分有才气的小发明家,他发明了一部“记忆扫描仪”,经过它可以扫描你的记忆刘易斯希望经过这部机器找回自己不曾谋面的家人。岂料这部机器却被偷盗了,更神奇的是,一名来自的未来的男孩将刘易斯带到了刘易斯是一个十分有才气的小发明家,他发明了一部“记忆扫描仪”,经过它可以扫描你的记忆刘易斯希望经过这部机器找回自己不曾谋面的家人。岂料这部机器却被偷盗了,更神奇的是,一名来自的未来的男孩将刘易斯带到了未来。在这里,刘易斯见到了超级乖僻的一家人——罗宾逊一家,在他们那里刘易斯得知自己的发明有意中穿越了时空,分开了未来。在罗宾森一家的协助下,刘易斯发现一系列惊险的秘密,有关未来和他自己身世的秘密! 详情