

  • 剧情 
  • Chelsea Islan Tara Basro Bunga Citra Lestari Reza Rahadian 
  •  按照真实故事改编的。在1988年汉城奥运会上,3名来自印度尼西亚的女弓箭手发了然印尼的历史,为该国博得了第一枚奖牌。 按照真实故事改编的。在1988年汉城奥运会上,3名来自印度尼西亚的女弓箭手发了然印尼的历史,为该国博得了第一枚奖牌。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Sarah Paulson Tara Devon Gallagher Cherry Jones 
  • 一个11岁的女孩从平静的海面下惊醒,她的家人和他们在马里兰州的海上社区。当年轻的爱玛患上了严重的耳朵疾病,使她不能游泳,损害了她的听力,她的其他感官就会加速。让观众从艾玛的角度来审视她的家庭及其面临的一个11岁的女孩从舒适的海面下惊醒,她的家人和他们在马里兰州的海上社区。昔时轻的爱玛患上了严重的耳朵疾病,使她不可泅水,伤害了她的听力,她的其他感官就会减速。让观众从艾玛的角度来核阅她的家庭及其面临的应战,咱们很快就观念到这是一个特别而敏感的年轻女孩,但她富有想象力的心里生存并不可保护她免受生存的零乱性。艾玛和一个脸色不晃荡的年轻女子(莎拉·保尔森)之间开展了一段特别的友情,她回到了他们的小镇,随后又从新息灭了艾玛兄弟(肖恩·哈托西和迈克尔·莫斯利)之间隐蔽的竞争。艾玛的父亲威尔(罗伯特·诺特饰)不时以水兵的身份养家,拉着切萨皮克的贝类。这是一种困难的营生体式格式,他对饮料的酷好也末尾遭到影响。艾玛的母亲茱莉亚(一贯低调但很有势力的樱桃琼斯)是一个舒适、顽强的女家长,她让家庭串连在一同,因为艾玛行将住手的手术和威尔的解体给家庭和社区带来了潜伏的丧掉。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Paul Mercurio Tara Morice Pat Thomson Barry Otto 比尔·亨特 Pip Mushin 
  • 斯科特(保罗·莫库利奥 Paul Mercurio 饰)出生于舞蹈世家,在父母的耳濡目染之下,年轻帅气的他对舞蹈充满了兴趣。充满创意的斯科特喜欢在传统的舞蹈中加入他自创的新鲜舞步,但很显然,刻板的评委斯科特(保罗·莫库利奥 Paul Mercurio 饰)降生于舞蹈世家,在怙恃的耳闻目击之下,年轻帅气的他对舞蹈布满了兴味。布满创意的斯科特喜好在当代的舞蹈中介进他自创的新奇舞步,但很显然,刻板的评委并不喜好斯科特的创新。一个名叫芙兰(塔拉·莫里斯 Tara Morice 饰)的女孩找到了斯科特,停整理可以与他伙伴,斯科特不测的发明,他和芙兰之间的节奏异常合拍,在亲密无间的协作下,朴拙的感情在两个年轻人之间产生了。 斯科特的母亲雪莉(Pat Thomson 饰)关于其貌不扬的芙兰并不满意,她找到了美艳豪宕的缇娜(Sonia Kruger 饰),停整理她可以成为斯科特的新舞伴,斯科特当然回尽,可为了完成本人的目标,雪莉居然不吝应用假话强逼斯科特就范。在疾苦傍边,斯科特坚持了芙兰。
  • 动漫 
  • 里克·高莫兹 Tara Strong Matthew Wolf 
  •  年轻气盛的托尔为了向奥丁证明自己的能力,偷偷带着自己弟弟洛基踏上了寻找传说中的宝剑-苏尔特尔之剑的路途. 年轻气盛的托尔为了向奥丁证实本人的才华,偷偷带着本人弟弟洛基踏上了寻觅传说中的宝剑-苏尔特尔之剑的路途.
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Tara Spencer-Nairn Michael Trucco Jason Thompson 
  • Wishmaster 4 is a poor relation to the original. I have not seen 2 or 3, and just happened to see thWishmaster 4 is a poor relation to the original. I have not seen 2 or 3, and just happened to see this on the Sci-Fi Channel. It was an entertaining movie, mostly because the star, James Trucco (Verdel) has such an uncanny similarity to SCOTT PETERSON, the accused killer of his wife and baby fetus. Seeing that guy play a Demonic role in W4 made it seem more weird than it really was. The make-up on the main Djinn (John Novak) was almost comical. He looks like HERMAN MUNSTER's long-lost son. He also does not look very horrifying. Under the make-up, Novak looks like he got his acting lessons watching CREATURE FEATURE. W4 is relatively fast-paced, but it has very few scares and not much that is scary. In the original, all of the horrible actions of the Djinn came to the attention of the female lead, Tara Spencer-Nairn, and she suffered a lot at the hands of the Djinn. In this move, the Djinn is trapped by the 3rd wish, and he must seduce Tara so she will accept him as he is. Sadly, the best scene, where the Djinn is making love to Tara, is where he should have transformed into Djinn and it would have been very terrifying. However, that scene took place with Verdel as Djinn, and Tara did not even register much shock or disgust later when she discovered that she had made lover to a demon. Part of the subplot has to do with her handicapped boyfriend, and that entiresubplot is not very positive, since the boyfriend is given the use of his legs. Overall, W4 is not very complicated, it is kind-of a silly movie, and while there is some gore, it is not very gory. W4 is a good time-killer, but it is not a classic Horror movie unless you are a fan of the Mystery Science Theatre.
  • 动作 恐怖 动画 电影 
  • Duane Bruce Tara Henry Michael Neel 
  • A thousand years ago the world completely collapsed. War, famine, and greed killed off the human racA thousand years ago the world completely collapsed. War, famine, and greed killed off the human race. Not much remains except for the mutants, scum, and robo-people. Humanity is a long-lost notion. Everyone must kill to survive. Even Santa.