

  • 剧情 运动 动作片 动作 电影 
  • Flutra Cela Judith Sigfridsson Agnes Lindström Bolmgren Mustapha Aarab Eleftheria Gerofoka 
  • 100分钟
  • Mila and Kia have been best friends and teammates for as long as they can remember. When the girls gMila and Kia have been best friends and teammates for as long as they can remember. When the girls get a new football coach in former pro Lollo, they slowly start to drift apart. Mila, who dreams of becoming a football professional, finally sees her chance to succeed – but is it worth sacrificing her best friend to win at any cost?
  • 惊悚 恐怖 电影 
  • Bobbi Salv?r Menuez Amandla Stenberg Heidi von Palleske 
  • 100分钟
  • Heather, an outcast teenage goalie in a small northern town, falls for newcomer Jonny, an alluring bHeather, an outcast teenage goalie in a small northern town, falls for newcomer Jonny, an alluring but tormented figure skater. As their relationship deepens, Heather’s growing desires clash with her darkest secret, forcing her to control the animal within.  源自:https://festival.sundance.org/program/film/638a1744d406b2212cf2ca5e
  • 恐怖 恐怖片 电影 
  • 未知
  • 90分钟
  • From the beekeeper who accidentally kills his wife before nervously burying her body under his vegetFrom the beekeeper who accidentally kills his wife before nervously burying her body under his vegetable patch, the child born with an insatiable and increasingly inhumane appetite, to the detective struggling with a number of missing children cases, these stories make this the creepiest horror anthology of the year.
  • 剧情 剧情片 电影 
  • 豪斯顿·塞奇 克拉克·巴茨科 Clark Backo 格雷格·萨克因 
  • 97分钟
  • After her fiance sleeps with a celebrity on his free pass list, Abby Meyers, with nothing but five nAfter her fiance sleeps with a celebrity on his free pass list, Abby Meyers, with nothing but five names and a fantasy shared by millions, sets out for Los Angeles to sleep with someone from hers.
  • 剧情片 剧情 电影 
  • 豪斯顿·塞奇 克拉克·巴茨科 Clark Backo 格雷格·萨克因 
  • 97分钟
  • After her fiance sleeps with a celebrity on his free pass list, Abby Meyers, with nothing but five nAfter her fiance sleeps with a celebrity on his free pass list, Abby Meyers, with nothing but five names and a fantasy shared by millions, sets out for Los Angeles to sleep with someone from hers.
  • 纪录片 短片 纪录 剧情 
  • 未知
  • 22分钟
  • 在阿富汗首都喀布尔的一个流浪者营地中,一名新婚男子为心爱的妻子高歌,仿佛世界只有他们。之后四年间,男子一心梦想成为部落首位阿富汗士兵,却同时要应付为家族开枝散叶的压力,在梦想和现实之间跌跌宕宕。尽管他在阿富汗首都喀布尔的一个漂泊者营地中,一名新婚女子为心爱的妻子高歌,似乎世界只需他们。之后四年间,女子一心梦想成为部落首位阿富汗战士,却同时要应付为家族开枝散叶的压力,在梦想和事实之间跌跌宕宕。虽然他对妻子相当顾惜,但他作出的决议,为两口子的生活带来严重的改动。营地无处不在的监视设备时辰监视着人民的生活,居民的活动遭到限制,却有力抵抗强权的压榨。导演们用最真诚的感情提示了在骚动的时代中,当代阿富汗人如何在生活、爱情方面挣扎求存。
  • 纪录 剧情 
  • 未知
  • 手指不时滑过屏幕在网上寻觅真爱并不容易,所以当塞西莉刷到一位英俊风流的亿万富翁时,她简直不敢置信,实践见面后真人也契合她的理想。但一切终究是黄粱一梦,当她发现这个国际商人满嘴谎言时,为时已晚。他骗手指不时滑过屏幕在网上寻觅真爱并不容易,所以当塞西莉刷到一位英俊风流的亿万富翁时,她简直不敢置信,实际见面后真人也契合她的理想。但一切终究是黄粱一梦,当她发现这个国际商人满嘴谎言时,为时已晚。他骗走了她的一切。童话故事终了之际,一出复仇大戏末尾演出。塞西莉发现了他的其他目的,一旦她们结合起来,她们就不再是受益者:Tinder 诈骗王有了难缠的对手。这部引人入胜的纪录长片由《冒充者》和《别惹猫咪:追捕虐猫者》的制片人打造,其粉饰了骗子的真实身份,并竭力将他逍遥法外。