

  • 剧情 喜剧 欧美剧 欧美 电视 
  • Jesse Spencer Radha Mitchell 
  • Set in 1979 Western Australia. A power strike threatens to plunge the region into darkness, while thSet in 1979 Western Australia. A power strike threatens to plunge the region into darkness, while the city hosts the iconic Miss Universe pageant and the US space station, Skylab, crashes just beyond the city's suburbs.
  • 惊悚 恐怖 奇幻 恐怖片 电影 
  • Devano Danendra Keisya Levronka Mikha Hernan 
  • 112分钟
  • A teenager with the ability to enter other people's dreams. When he witnesses a dark spirit taking pA teenager with the ability to enter other people's dreams. When he witnesses a dark spirit taking people's lives in their dreams, he quickly realizes that it's related to the mysterious deaths that are happening in the real world.
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Van Dung Vu Mie 韩翠玉范 南书 光俊 金春 
  • ★越南賣座突破1084億,榮登越南影史最賣座恐怖片  ★改編自越南民間傳說「戴帽子的狗」  ★「越南百萬DJ天后」Mie首度演出恐怖片    阿南(吳光俊 飾)的家族世世代代從事狗肉屠★越南賣座打破1084億,榮登越南影史最賣座恐惧片  ★改編自越南民間傳說「戴帽子的狗」  ★「越南百萬DJ天后」Mie首度演出恐惧片    阿南(吳光俊 飾)的家族世世代代從事狗肉屠宰業,因為不想跟隨父親的腳步,他離開老家到遙遠的城市义务。某天,阿南得知父親過世的音讯,決定帶著女友回老家幫忙處理後事。沒想到,阿南回家之後居然開始撞見各種靈異現象,他的家族恐怕沒有想像中的單純……。
  • 恐怖 恐怖片 电影 
  • 斯莱法·达尼什 凯特琳·哈尔德曼 Michael James Olindo 
  • A family whose daughter is seemingly possessed; their prayers seem to make matters worse. What sin dA family whose daughter is seemingly possessed; their prayers seem to make matters worse. What sin did they commit?