

  • 剧情 电影 
  • Elisabeth Rioux Kristian Denver Diaz Logan Gervais 
  •  在Covid-19大流行初期,一个22岁的大片演员斯科特必须找到一个与他有陌生关系的女孩,以免为时已晚,而他的母亲则感染了一种新的奇怪病毒。 在Covid-19大流行早期,一个22岁的大片演员斯科特必需找到一个与他有生疏关系的女孩,以免为时已晚,而他的母亲则传染了一种新的希罕病毒。
  • 剧情 
  • Steve Sandor Andrea Savio William Ostrander Julie Gray 
  • The world's water supply has dried up due to some sort of apocalypse. A beautiful woman holds thThe world's water supply has dried up due to some sort of apocalypse. A beautiful woman holds the secret to where one of the last springs being guarded by a group of Amazons. A "Road Warrior" like crew captures her and tries to make her talk through brutal torture. The hero (Styrker) unites with some of the remaining "good guys" and the Amazons and frees the woman. They go on to a "Road Warrior" type of concluding battle with the bad guys
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • Santiago Segura Carlos Areces 塞尔吉奥·拉莫斯 
  • 多浪迪警官被关在了监狱之中,他必须要找出能让自己乐成 越狱的要领 。思来想去,多浪迪警官想到了一出妙招:他要在监狱里举办一场足球赛。这场足球赛的加入 者将是监狱服刑人员和狱警组成的足球队。而多浪迪警多浪迪警官被关在了监狱之中,他必须要找出能让自己乐成 越狱的要领 。思来想去,多浪迪警官想到了一出妙招:他要在监狱里举办一场足球赛。这场足球赛的加入 者将是监狱服刑人员和狱警组成的足球队。而多浪迪警官测期望自己能在足球角逐 中趁乱逃出监狱。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Schalk Bezuidenhout Ludwig Binge 
  • A coming-of-age war musical about a small town boy who gets chosen to serve his compulsory two year A coming-of-age war musical about a small town boy who gets chosen to serve his compulsory two year military training in the South African Defence Force Choir and Concert group- known as the "Canaries"- during the height of the Apartheid regime.
  • 惊悚 恐怖 恐怖片 
  • 梅格·福斯特 帕特里克·弗拉纳根 Michael J. Sanchez 
  • 90
  • Agroupofsciencestudentshavediscoveredhowtoscientificallyexplaintheparanormal.TheirgoalistopresenttheAgroupofsciencestudentshavediscoveredhowtoscientificallyexplaintheparanormal.Theirgoalistopresenttheirfindingstotheirschoolboardandpetitiontolaunchtheveryfirstparapsychologycreditedcourseattheiruniversity.TheirthirteenthandfinalinvestigationlandsthematBlackGrovePsychiatricAsylumwheretheylookintotheurbanlegendof,TheMoleMan,anex-patientoftheasylumwhoisthoughttolivewithinitswalls.Thisfirstfeaturewillintroducethekillerandwe’relookingtodoaspin-offserieswherewewillthengoontoproduceMoleMan,MoleMan2andMoleMan3.
  • 泰国 欧美 
  • 提顶·玛哈由踏纳 安苏玛琳·瑟拉帕萨默莎 查澈威·德查拉朋 
  • 故事讲述了五个少男少女的生长故事陈寻和他的好冤家赵烨、乔燃一同长大,三个大男孩纵情挥霍着青春年华,他们插科打诨,与教员对立,狂打街边游戏。后来结识方茴和领林嘉茉,五人结成好冤家,一同窗习、游玩。陈寻和故事讲述了五个少男少女的生长故事陈寻和他的好冤家赵烨、乔燃一同长大,三个大男孩纵情挥霍着青春年华,他们插科打诨,与教员统一,狂打街边游戏。后来结识方茴和领林嘉茉,五人结成好冤家,一同窗习、游玩。陈寻和方茴经常一同窗习,乔燃暗恋着方茴,但是从未表现出来。赵烨也偷偷地对林嘉茉发作兴味。5人在一同阅历了很多欢笑和困难,考验了友谊,直到在高中的最后一天。乔燃转学去了英国,5人商定以后还要见面。但是,一切都物是人非了。赵烨为了协助林嘉茉而进了监狱,没能进入大学学习。林嘉茉渐渐地末尾不幸赵烨,而且看法到自己爱上了赵烨。陈寻和方茴则如愿考到了同一所大学。陈寻在大学里十分受女孩子欢迎,此时他遇到了一个美丽的女孩,名叫艾琳,两人的关系越了界。这让女主十分伤心忧伤。乔燃回来照看女主,想要照顾她,而方茴拒绝了他,由于她的心里再也容不下他人了,在那之后,就再也没有人遇见过方茴。过了很久,男主和女主才在异国重逢。   经典IP经过泰式改编后,别有一番风味,故事不再出现狗血青春,而是展现大家青春里都会生发的情感和意气风发的容貌。导演是泰国著名的广告导演,将拍广告的手法融入到电视剧的拍摄当中,使得泰版《匆匆那年》画面唯美清爽,是一部很走心的作品。
  • 剧情 
  • GadingMarten DellaDartyan 
  • Richard Achmad (Gading Marten) is too long to live alone. People nickname him acute single. One day Richard Achmad (Gading Marten) is too long to live alone. People nickname him acute single. One day his hang out friends betting : "Two more weeks I"ll get married, take your girlfriend or your pride at stake," As the elder in his group, Richard is challenged. He who always tells about his lovers and give advice to his friends, does not want to be embarrassed. All efforts are made: old female friends who are generally married or even forgotten, friend connections that may be available to be invited to accompany him, to the dating site which then bring himself with Arini Kusuma (Della Dartyan). Administrative mistakes made Richard forced to let Arini linger with him, for at least 45 days, the duration of the contract. Slowly the seeds of romance grow. Richard is impressed with Arini"s understanding of him, in his hobby even on his appetite. He falls in love. Something that has not happened for the past 20 years. Richard propose to Arini to be forever with him
  • 剧情 
  • Lamon Brewster Chris Byrd Bernd Bönte Pearlman Hicks 
  • 本片荣获2011年塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节最佳纪录片提名   影片从两位拳击传奇巨星兄弟在乌克兰社会主义时代的童年困难生活末尾,直到他们成为国际拳坛巨星,展现了他们的努力及相互的抵触,着重刻划了本片荣获2011年塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节最佳纪录片提名   影片从两位拳击传奇巨星兄弟在乌克兰社会主义时代的童年困难生活末尾,直到他们成为国际拳坛巨星,展现了他们的努力及相互的抵触,着重刻划了兄弟情,以及他们的故事鼓舞了一代体育迷