

  • 剧情 爱情 电影 
  • 赖拉·邦雅淑SukritWisetkaew苏格拉瓦·卡那诺缇玛·提潘娜特 
  • 104
  • 佛历2555学年,曾做过摔跤拳手的song不幸沦为一所坝区小学的教师,学校座落于水域广阔、群山环抱的地方,要到达这所学校必须大清早就出发,跋山涉水数小时。这个学校是为坝区内的渔民孩子读书而建。Song佛历2555学年,曾做过摔跤拳手的song不幸沦为一所坝区小学的教员,学校座落于水域宽广、群山环抱的中央,要抵达这所学校必需大清早就动身,翻山越岭数小时。这个学校是为坝区内的渔民孩子读书而建。Song只用教4个先生,但他们却都分属不同的年级。并且他还要一人教授一切年级、一切科目。除此之外,还得忍受没有水电的状况,以及没有电话信号而带来的不能和他人联络的…佛历2555学年,曾做过摔跤拳手的song不幸沦为一所坝区小学的教员,学校座落于水域宽广、群山环抱的中央,要抵达这所学校必需大清早就动身,翻山越岭数小时。这个学校是为坝区内的渔民孩子读书而建。Song只用教4个先生,但他们却都分属不同的年级。并且他还要一人教授一切年级、一切科目。除此之外,还得忍受没有水电的状况,以及没有电话信号而带来的不能和他人联络的寂寞。能协助song排解寂寞的独一的一件事就是:阅读前一任教员Ann遗留下的日记。日记中记载了Ann自己和其他教员的在这里生活,还给这所学校起了一个绰号—“被甩学校”,由于除了生活艰辛之外,每一位教员都与爱人分手了.
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 克洛伊·布里吉斯 尼克·斯旺森 Logan Paul 安德鲁·巴切勒 Arielle Vandenberg Brittany Furlan Casey Neistat Roman Atwood Vitaly Zdorovetskiy 杰克·保罗 Amanda Cerny Erik Griffin Lele Pons Stephen Guarino Timothy Brennen 
  • En route to the world's largest social media convention in Australia, Logan Paul is scared to death;En route to the world's largest social media convention in Australia, Logan Paul is scared to death; today is his first time flying. All of his worst nightmares come true when the passengers refuse to switch their phones to airplane mode, causing the plane's controls to go haywire and electrocuting the pilots. Amidst the chaos, Juanpa Zurita (Logan's foreign exchange brother) has one goal: to lose his virginity or die trying. It's up to Logan to overcome his fears, defeat a Russian psychopath on the loose, and save the day. Co-starring Chloe Bridges, Amanda Cerny, King Bach, Nick Bateman, Lele Pons, Roman Atwood, Casey Neistat, Brittany Furlan, and many more, the internet is about to crash and explode Logan knows he will save his fandom .
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • Stewart Lee 斯图尔特·李 
  • 59分钟
  • The Bafta-winning Stewart Lee performs his latest touring show, focusing on a bizarrely erroneous deThe Bafta-winning Stewart Lee performs his latest touring show, focusing on a bizarrely erroneous description of his work on Netflix and a mind-boggling review from Alan Bennett.
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 多米尼克·福穆萨 布莱恩·格林伯格 坦米·布兰查德 Emanuela 
  • A story of friendship, love, marriage, secrets, and lies that unfolds between two couples in one apaA story of friendship, love, marriage, secrets, and lies that unfolds between two couples in one apartment during a Sunday brunch that will affect their lives forever
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 马修·布罗德里克 弗兰克·威利 佩内洛普·安·米勒 
  • 豆瓣 9.0克拉克是纽约影戏 学院的新鲜人,但他还没开始享受大学生涯就被人骗走了行李和所有财物,正当他走投无路之时,竟意外遇上偷走他财物的混混为弥补克拉克的损失,那混混为克拉克引荐其叔父萨巴提尼,希望他能帮克拉克安插个事情 虽然萨巴提尼所从事的〃进口生意〃颇受人质疑,他后来却成了克拉克的良师,教了他许多待人办事 的经验。马龙白兰度在本片一反以往的作风改走喜剧路线,和他在其代表作「教父」中柯里昂家族的教父形象大相迳庭。