

  • 剧情 
  • arry Jarvis 艾拉-雷·史密斯 Alhaji Fofana 
  • 15yr old Tim Edge is a budding graffiti artist and an expert in selfishness. When Tim and his two be15yr old Tim Edge is a budding graffiti artist and an expert in selfishness. When Tim and his two best friends, Vic and Alf, bunk off from a school trip at the Natural History Museum, they stumble into a Press Conference being held by Lena Eidelhorn, a mad scientist who is unveiling her latest invention, The Vitalitron. The Vitalitron is capable of predicting the time of death of any living creature, and when Tim sneaks inside, he discovers he only has 2:Hrs left to live. Chased across London by tabloid journalists Tooley and Graves, Tim and his mates agree on a bucket list that will cram a lifetime into the next two hours. Meanwhile, Lena makes plans to ensure that the Vitalitron's prophecy becomes true no matter what. 
  • 恐怖 
  • Madeleine Wade 奥吉·杜克 迈克·韦尔奇 
  • 两个姐妹,谁遭受优待的手在他们的优待狂父亲的孩子决议,在他死后,运用巫术把他的灵魂带回复仇两个姐妹,谁遭受优待的手在他们的优待狂父亲的孩子决议,在他死后,运用巫术把他的灵魂带回复仇
  • 动作 
  • 迪恩·凯恩 罗宾·吉文斯 Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs Mike Jerome Putnam Michael William Hunter 
  •  当一架客机困在一堆喷发的火山中时,乘客和机组人员必需设法求生——在不下降的状况下但在岩浆和火山灰的继续打击下,机上的人发生了恐惧和不信任,要挟生命的不只是火山,人人必需学集协作,才干在火海飞行中活下 当一架客机困在一堆喷发的火山中时,乘客和机组人员必需设法求生——在不下降的状况下但在岩浆和火山灰的继续打击下,机上的人发作了恐惧和不信任,要挟生命的不只是火山,人人必需学集协作,才干在火海飞行中活下去……飞机和
  • 动漫 
  • Thomas Freeley Bobbi Maxwell Maria Petrano Carmen Piroli Kj Schrock Martin Singer 
  • In the wake of a truce between the Nice Side and the Mice Side, the Zooverse has settled into an eraIn the wake of a truce between the Nice Side and the Mice Side, the Zooverse has settled into an era of peace. The villainous mouse, Boo Boo Squeal, is determined to violate that peace treaty, and restart war at any cost. Nice Side heroes, Nuke and B-52, are forced to fend for themselves, thwarting Boo Boo's vengeful minions and defending the Zooverse with everything they've got. 
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 安德鲁·加菲尔德 Warren Clarke 马克·艾迪 彼得·穆兰 肖恩·宾 大卫·莫瑞瑟 沃伦·克拉克 Lisa Howard 
  • Channel 4 的The Red Riding真是够阴沉黑暗的。白天必定阴云密布――借用了人们对 Yorkshire 天气的偏见,要不就是一片迷雾;大部份场景发生在晚上,或者是没有窗户的房间;发生Channel4的TheRedRiding真是够阴沉黑暗的白天必定阴云密布――借用了人们对Yorkshire天气的偏见,要不就是一片迷雾;大部份场景发生在晚上,或者是没有窗户的房间;发生在1974年的第一部还总是烟雾缭绕。TheRedRiding是三部曲,每部都是...
  • 科幻 电影 
  • Eric Kopatz Karen Corona Gregory Kiem William Moore Scott Donovan Brando McClure Celine Brigitte Alysse Cobb Lionel Heredia Martin J. Cummins Gary Kohn Walter Novak Heather Robinson Edward E. Romero Brian Zarin 
  • 《黑洞乌托邦》讲述的是在一个已经不再以年计入的反面乌托邦的未来,公民如果没有工作就要被送到劳改营,并且从此以后杳无音讯。亚当是一个刚刚下岗的工厂工人,为了活命,他接受了广告上关于医疗测试的实验。于是,  在一个已经不再以年计入的反面乌托邦的未来,公民如果没有工作就要被送到劳改营,并且从此以后杳无音讯。亚当是一个刚刚下岗的工厂工人,为了活命,他接受了广告上关于医疗测试的实验。于是,他飞泻而下一个基因工程和精神控制的兔子洞,开始了时间旅行。
  • 剧情 
  • Tracy Nelson David Winning Eric Roberts 
  • A mother and teen daughter believe they have at last found safe refuge from their abusive husband anA mother and teen daughter believe they have at last found safe refuge from their abusive husband and father Michael. Michael, enraged by their escape, will do anything to find them. After undergoing drastic plastic surgery, he assumes a new unrecognizable identity, and the hunt for his family begins. 
  • 综艺 
  • 未知
  • Across our planet there are a handful of places that just take your breath away: Everest, The Grand Across our planet there are a handful of places that just take your breath away: Everest, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Amazon. We call them Natural Wonders. They may be awe inspiring. But these are some of the most inhospitable places on the planet and they pose extraordinary challenges for those who live there. This is the story of what’s created these wonders, and of the people who survive and even triumph in these astonishing places. 
  • 罪案 剧情 电视 
  • 埃丽卡·克里斯滕森 泰莎·法米加 加布里埃尔·鲁纳 爱德·维斯特维克 W·厄尔·布朗 卡罗利娜·维德拉 亚当·罗森博格 安妮·文特斯 大卫·苏利文 霍莉·范恩 达雷尔·布里特-吉布森 
  • 40分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A自《灵书妙探》(Castle)获得胜利之后,ABC一直没有找到适合的罪案剧接班人,这部角色驱动型罪案观察剧承载着ABC的新盼望。故事来自「洛杉矶历史上真实的犯法事件」。既然是「历史上」,那么该剧确定要跨越多个时期。别的,剧情还将摸索与这些时期相适应的「性爱」、「政治」和「风行文化」等元素。在第一季中,洛杉矶警察JackRoth(AdamRothenberg)和PacoContreras(GabrielLuna)将在摇滚乐风行、可口可乐压倒一切的80年代「日落大道」(SunsetStrip)上追踪一对相似「牝牡暴徒」(Bonnie&Clyde)的连环杀手情侣错误,不靠谱的联盟干系在侦察、记者、毒贩和夜总会玩家之间悄然形成。如果该剧获得第二季,剧情将讲述另一个时期的「另一个故事」。从某种意义上来说,它和有线电视网上的《撕破暗中》(TrueDetective)、《冰血暴》(Fargo)相似。