

  • 战争 
  • 贾德·尼尔森 德鲁·加勒特 Aidan Bristow C·托马斯·豪威尔 詹姆斯·奥斯汀·科尔 
  • By June 1942, the Japanese Navy has swept across the Pacific. In an effort to change the course of tBy June 1942, the Japanese Navy has swept across the Pacific. In an effort to change the course of the war, a United States carrier group is positioned off the coast of Midway, tasked with springing a trap on the enemy. During this pivotal battle, the two-man crew of a U.S. Navy dive bomber is forced to ditch in the sea. Set adrift, the men look qiwan.cc towards their comrades for rescue; namely, the ragtag crew of a PBY Catalina, who are sent to search for survivors. Amid the vast openness of the Pacific, with days passing and the chance of rescue fading, the men are forced to face their own mortality.
  • 科幻 恐怖 电影 
  • JaiDay DomizianoArcangeli JoeZaso 
  • 84
  • 这部由EmpireFilms投资拍摄的低成本科幻丧尸片《H1N1:VIRUSX未知瘟疫》(暂定名)在好莱坞完成了最后的拍摄工作,导演RyanStevensHarris随后投入到紧张的后期制作当中,这部这部由EmpireFilms投资拍摄的低成本科幻丧尸片《H1N1:VIRUSX未知瘟疫》(暂定名)在好莱坞完成了最后的拍摄工作,导演RyanStevensHarris随后投入到紧张的后期制作当中,这部由大批新生代演员担当主演的丧尸片制作精良,很值得丧迷们期待。剧情:一种神秘的猪流感大肆传播,它可以将被感染的人变成丧尸,而这一切却和两个科学家有着密切的关系…………
  • 动作 电影 
  • 约翰·塞纳 布莱恩·J·怀特 Aidan Gillen John Cena 艾丹·吉伦 艾什丽·斯科特 史蒂夫·哈里斯 冈萨洛·梅内德斯 
  • 美国新奥尔良一个喧闹的夜晚,FBI正在围捕蜚声国际的恐怖分子迈尔斯•杰克逊(艾丹•吉伦 Aidan Gillen 饰)。是夜,狡猾的迈尔斯正与另一伙犯罪分子作交易,他用计杀掉对手,还把FBI耍得团团转美国新奥尔良一个喧闹的夜晚,FBI正在围捕蜚声国际的恐怖分子迈尔斯•杰克逊(艾丹•吉伦 Aidan Gillen 饰)。是夜,狡猾的迈尔斯正与另一伙犯罪分子作交易,他用计杀掉对手,还把FBI耍得团团转。当地的警察丹尼•费舍尔(约翰•塞纳 John Cena 饰)奉命参加行动,他和搭档偶遇迈尔斯及其女友驾驶的汽车。在一番激烈的追逐过后,迈尔斯最终落网,而他的女友则不幸死于车祸。一年后,迈尔斯成功越狱。他绑架了丹尼的女友莫莉•波特(阿什莉•斯科特 Ashley Scott 饰)。他为丹尼设计了12道难关,一场关乎生死的危险游戏就此展开……本片男主角John Cena是美国最大摔角组织WWE的摔角明星。
  • 剧情 
  • 贾德·尼尔森 德鲁·加勒特 Aidan Bristow C·托马斯·豪威尔 
  • By June 1942, the Japanese Navy has swept across the Pacific. In an effort to change the course of tBy June 1942, the Japanese Navy has swept across the Pacific. In an effort to change the course of the war, a United States carrier group is positioned off the coast of Midway, tasked with springing a trap on the enemy. During this pivotal battle, the two-man crew of a U.S. Navy dive bomber is forced to ditch in the sea. Set adrift, the men look qiwan.cc towards their comrades for rescue; namely, the ragtag crew of a PBY Catalina, who are sent to search for survivors. Amid the vast openness of the Pacific, with days passing and the chance of rescue fading, the men are forced to face their own mortality.
  • 剧情 
  • 罗纳尔德·策尔费尔德 Mohsin Ahmady Saida Barmaki 
  • 在阿富汗战场上,德国军官杰斯珀和战友奉命驻守在前线的一个小村庄,防止塔利班组织的浸透他们与年轻的阿富汗翻译塔里克一同,想要博妥外地村民与民兵组织的信任。但双方的差异太大了。塔里克与他的妹妹娜拉的生命平在阿富汗战场上,德国军官杰斯珀和战友奉命驻守在前线的一个小村庄,防止塔利班组织的浸透他们与年轻的阿富汗翻译塔里克一同,想要博妥外地村民与民兵组织的信任。但双方的差异太大了。塔里克与他的妹妹娜拉的生命平安遭到了塔利班的要挟。杰斯珀面临困难的选择:遵守命令坚持这对姐弟,还是违犯命令协助他们?