

  • 剧情 喜剧 电影 
  • Jacques Tati Marcel Fraval Honoré Bostel Tony Knepper 
  • At Altra Motors, Mr. Hulot designs an ingenious camper car with lots of clever features. A lorry hauAt Altra Motors, Mr. Hulot designs an ingenious camper car with lots of clever features. A lorry hauls the prototype to an important auto show in Amsterdam, with Mr. Hulot alongside in his car and a spoiled, trendy PR exec, the young Maria, in her sports car packed with designer clothes and her fluffy dog. The lorry has every imaginable problem, delaying its arrival. A flat tire, no gas, an accident, a run-in with police, a stop at a garage, and numerous traffic jams showcase vignettes of peo...
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Marcello Fonte Chabeli Sastre Ludovica Martino 
  • 95分钟
  • Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother&Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother's old apartment. One night, the wickedness of the world goes to visit him in the form of Jack, a boy who is Ludovico's age but has the opposite character: hard, determined, perhaps criminal. The forced cohabitation of two human beings who couldn't seem more different from one ano...
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Marcello Fonte Chabeli Sastre Ludovica Martino 
  • 95分钟
  • 害怕生活,缺乏做自己的勇气,卢多维科躲在祖母的旧公寓里。 一天晚上,世界的邪恶以杰克的形式来拜访他,杰克是一个与卢多维科同龄但性格相反的男孩:坚强、坚定,也许是犯罪分子。 两个看起来完全不同的人被迫同惧怕生活,缺乏做自己的勇气,卢多维科躲在祖母的旧公寓里。 一天早晨,世界的罪恶以杰克的方式来访问他,杰克是一个与卢多维科同龄但性情相反的男孩:坚强、坚决,也许是立功分子。 两个看起来完全不同的人自愿同居变成了成年的启蒙仪式,发现了他们各自的真实特性。 当无情地跟踪他们的严酷事实似乎提出了要求时,他们将不得不面对它,并失掉新看法和意想不到的勇气的支持。
  • 奇幻 爱情 剧情 电影 
  • 布伦特·卡沃 Marcel Sabourin Aubert Pallascio 
  • 豆瓣 6.01952年,魁北克一座监狱里的监犯 突然软禁了前来听取囚犯后悔 的主教毕洛度,软禁的目的,只是要请求毕洛度看完一出由囚犯们演出的舞台剧——凭据 真人真事改编的一出戏临时搭起的戏台上,一个叫西蒙(Jason Cadieux 饰)的美少年与破落贵族少年华立耶(Danny Gilmore 饰)相爱,但是,另一个即将进神学院修行的少年不能容忍自己视为圣者的人物会爱上男人——爱的又是自己之外的男人,他恨恨的掷下手中的油灯,点起大火,听任西蒙与华立耶在火中挣扎。
  • 剧情 喜剧 冒险 电影 
  • ArthurDiennet MarcelDiennet 比尔·沃特森 
  • 豆瓣 N/AAheartfeltadventureaboutamilquetoastaccountant,Medor,whoseperfectlifeisruinedwhenhediscovershiswifehavinganaffairwithhisboss.Havinglosteverything,hefindsrefugeinhisestranged,deadbeatnephewandtogether,theychasehisold,forgottendream:openingarestaurant.
  • 剧情 
  • AnaMaríaOtálora 西尔维亚·瓦隆 MarcelaRobledo DianaWiswell 安娜·玛丽亚·奎拉 
  • LeadingLadiesreflectshowguiltaffectsusindifferentwaysbasedonourperspectiveormemories.AwelcomedinneriLeadingLadiesreflectshowguiltaffectsusindifferentwaysbasedonourperspectiveormemories.Awelcomedinneristheexcusetodiscoverthatwealwayskeepasecretfromwhoknowusthebest.Fivepointsofviewthatshowusthateachofthesefivegirlstries,asbesttheycan,toleadtheirownlives.Somelieshavebeensavedforyears,otherwherehiddenformonths…...