

  • 剧情 
  • Robyn Paterson Hannah Martin Michele Hine 
  • 改编自产生发火于新西兰的一个真实恋爱故事 ~因本身主演影戏进围影戏节而在现场与女制作人一见仍旧的独身母亲,从此恋爱的萌芽一发不成收拾在一系列切肤之痛的富贵追赶中,最终结成爱侣,一切产生发火的就是那末瓜改编自产生发火于新西兰的一个真实恋爱故事 ~因本身主演影戏进围影戏节而在现场与女制作人一见仍旧的独身母亲,从此恋爱的萌芽一发不成收拾在一系列切肤之痛的富贵追赶中,最终结成爱侣,一切产生发火的就是那末瓜熟蒂落,好像一个产生发火在女女之间的恋爱童话故事~He~ 
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Fernando Acosta Robyn Cohen 
  • 一个女人庆祝她40岁生日的方式是让她的三个最好的朋友来和她和她的丈夫一起度过一个长周末。这名妇女在过去两年中一直坐在轮椅上,这导致她把自己孤立在家里。她的丈夫陪在她身边,因为他对导致她坐上轮椅的车祸感一个女人庆祝她40岁生日的体式格式是让她的三个最好的冤家来和她和她的丈夫一同度过一个长周末。这名妇女在曩昔两年中不时坐在轮椅上,这招致她把本人孤立在家里。她的丈夫陪在她身旁,因为他对招致她坐上轮椅的车祸感应内疚。在为期三天的庆祝活动中,咱们发明每团体都在为本人的生存和身份而妥协。当一个最好的冤家犯了一个可骇的毛病,在她的生日那天变节了她,每团体都立刻自愿不安地核阅本人的生存和局限性。
  • 战争 电影 
  • Nina Drobysheva Yevgeni Urbansky 
  • One of the most important examples of the post-1956 thaw-period in Soviet cinema, the film is in thrOne of the most important examples of the post-1956 thaw-period in Soviet cinema, the film is in three parts. The first is the swooning romance of Sasha and pilot Aleksei, who scrupulously determines that Sasha has graduated school before succumbing to her aggressive pursuit of him. Chukhrai establishes a strenuous camera style, consisting of swooping movement punctuated by tight closeups, which he carries over to the second part, the couple’s wartime separation. (The couple by fiat consider themselves married—a nice anti-bureaucratic touch.) One passage, where Sasha hopes to catch a glimpse of her father in a troop train passing through, is visually hysterical due to this “style.” Word arrives that Aleksei’s plane has been shot down; the nation proclaims him a dead hero. Sasha bears Aleksei’s son and still hopes her beloved will return. The war ends, and he does. Part Three is narratively elliptical and, visually, mostly subdued—a different style; a different film, given the narrative through-line. Stripped of his “posthumous” medal, as well as his Communist Party membership, Aleksei turns to drink; his crime is that he survived, from which cowardice or even collaboration with the enemy can be deduced. (Apparently Aleksei was unconscious when he was caught and imprisoned by Germans.) Aleksei keeps petitioning for Party reinstatement, but after confronting a statue of Stalin even he loses confidence in his cause! Stalin dies, and everything is set right. Aleksei looks on with pride as the son who disdained him lands a plane from the now clear sky!The film was produced during the short period in the Khrushchev administration when criticism of the abuse of power under Stalin's leadership was accepted; within three years, Brezhnev had risen to power and this sort of commentary would once again be forbidden.Действие происходит в СССР в 1950-е годы.Лётчик Алексей Астахов воевал и попал в плен, потом бежал. В мирное время Алексей столкнулся с недоверием и подозрительностью - как военнослужащий, побывавший в плену и тем самым "запятнавший моральный облик советского летчика". Алексей страдает, не может найти работу по профессии и место в жизни. Его спасает любовь Саши Львовой, которую она пронесла через войну и все трудности послевоенного времени. После смерти Сталина Астахова вызывают в Минобороны, где возвращают звезду Героя Советского Союза. Алексей возвращается в авиаотряд и испытывает самолеты.
  • 家庭 电影 
  • 汉娜·诺德伯格 LanceLim 孙芳 RobYang ZaneSmith 
  • 豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 7.5Setin1976SanFrancisco,IvyLingisaChinese-Americanwhostrugglestofindabalancebetweenhertwoculturalidentities.Shewishestobelikeherall-Americanbestfriend,JulieAlbright.Whenhergymnasticstournamentandfamily'sChineseNewYeardinnerlandonthesameday,IvyreliesonJulietoguideherwithadifficultchoice.
  • 奇幻 电影 
  • GeorginaBaillie ChrystalNacht HarmonyHex RobynTruelove HollyD MichelleThorne 
  • USA: 81 分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 3.7TheSatanicSluts,thedarkestandmostattitudinalall-femalecollectiveontheplanetarebackinfullforceintheirsexiestmovieyet!StarringthetheUK'smostnotoriousSatanicSlut,Voluptua,whoseutterlysalacioussexscandalthreatenedtotoppletheBBCandevenhadthePrimeMinistermutteringthesacredwords"SATANICSLUTS",RedemptionFilmsbringstheworldSCANDALIZED!  ThethirdinaseriesofsuccessfulSatanicSlutsmovies,watchSatanicSlutsIII:Scandalizedinaweasscantily-cladwomenabuseeachotherineveryscenarioyoucanthinkof,froma'60s-stylespacesettingtogirlsinuniformandbackagain!IntrueSatanicSlutstyle,thesewomenenactscenesofsexandgorethatwillleaveyoutotallySCANDALIZED!!
  • 剧情 惊悚 电影 
  • 基里尔·彼洛高夫 康斯坦丁·拉夫罗年科 DaniilVorobyov 
  • 95
  • 泽尼娅是一名在机场事情的女人。一年前,她的男朋友突然分开俄国而且在外洋失踪,泽尼娅一度无法蒙受失去男友的苦楚。在她苦楚的生涯中,她偶然得到了一种特别才能……通过做梦预感未来的才能。她决议应用这种才能逃泽尼娅是一名在机场事情的女人。一年前,她的男朋友突然分开俄国而且在外洋失踪,泽尼娅一度无法蒙受失去男友的苦楚。在她苦楚的生涯中,她偶然得到了一种特别才能……通过做梦预感未来的才能。她决议应用这种才能逃离自己的命运并将她的真爱从莫斯科地下罪行组织中解救出来。在这个进程中她遇到了新的爱人。在最后一次梦中,她的前任男友持枪指着她的现任,梦醒后她去救人,但这一次她来晚了,她并没有更能够扭转现实……