

  • 喜剧 喜剧片 电影 
  • 王赛丽 Rocky Sun 李灿 张一心 钱进 刘薇薇 冯奕萌 韩长福 孙雪峰 Antonia Ma 门家兴 Hana Margesson Oscar 张伯宏 益晗 刘培红 Emma Shang Shelly Chen 
  • 106分钟
  • 《一场很(没)有必要的春晚》是一部关于春晚和海外华人思乡、过年情结的电影!影片记录了一群海外华人为了心中的信念而精心筹备了一场春晚,然而在工作过程中却困难重重,险象环生,发生了一系列令人啼笑皆非的故事《一场很(没)有必要的春晚》是一部关于春晚和海外华人思乡、过年情结的电影!影片记载了一群海外华人为了心中的决计而精心预备了一场春晚,但是在义务进程中却困难重重,险象环生,发作了一系列令人啼笑皆非的故事。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • óscar Aquino López Carlos Ariosto Pedro Estrada Hernández 
  • 96分钟
  • Diego is the victim of a hit and run. His family is unable to pay for the surgeries needed to keep hDiego is the victim of a hit and run. His family is unable to pay for the surgeries needed to keep him alive. Pablo, Diego's brother, forms a soccer team and enters a tournament to win the prize money and save his brother's life.
  • 动作 科幻 惊悚 犯罪 动作片 电影 
  • 玛丽亚·阿巴迪 Milagros Betti Oscar Dubini 
  • In a near future, crimes and accidents can be prevented by making just one phone call to the past. HIn a near future, crimes and accidents can be prevented by making just one phone call to the past. However, the peace of this utopian world will be disrupted by a methodical killer who seems to have discovered the only flaw in this system.
  • 动作 科幻 惊悚 犯罪 动作片 电影 
  • 玛丽亚·阿巴迪 Milagros Betti Oscar Dubini 
  • In a near future, crimes and accidents can be prevented by making just one phone call to the past. HIn a near future, crimes and accidents can be prevented by making just one phone call to the past. However, the peace of this utopian world will be disrupted by a methodical killer who seems to have discovered the only flaw in this system.