

  • 剧情 爱情 国产 电视 
  • 赵东泽 吴曼思 汤梦佳 肖宇梁 温心 何龙龙 胡宇轩 樊瑞琪 时男 金子 常小雨 
  • 学霸邓宇和社畜陆铭机缘巧合下相遇,发现彼此居然长的一模一样,以此为契机两人开始了交换人生的奇妙经历。邓宇凭借直率热情帮陆铭入职跨国公司,陆铭的成熟帅气帮邓宇成功追到心上人,可危机和意外也随着两人的交换学霸邓宇和社畜陆铭机缘巧合下相遇,发现彼此居然长的如出一辙,以此为契机两人末尾了交流人生的巧妙阅历。邓宇仰仗直率热情帮陆铭入职跨国公司,陆铭的成熟帅气帮邓宇成功追到心上人,可危机和不测也随着两人的交流接连袭来,彻底打乱他们的人生。
  • 喜剧 动作 冒险 古装 玄幻 
  • 张植绿 张冰倩 任逍遥 张天野 刘博群 樊瑞 王侃伟 
  • To save the people in Yuandu, Jiang Yuan, the master of Taoism, had to seal the ancient monster, FlyTo save the people in Yuandu, Jiang Yuan, the master of Taoism, had to seal the ancient monster, Flying God Pig, in the body of his son Jiang Wu Shan. Jiang Wu Shan grew up in a mountain village. Ever since he came into the world, he had had a pigtail, and he was seen as a freak and bullied by the villagers. Anger piled up and Jiang Wu Shan became the Pig Monster. He was kicked out of the village as a result. Jiang Wu Shan thought he went into some ill fortune, so he decided to go to Yuandu, hoping to get admitted by Taoism and find the solution. However, he was rejected, and he then entered the Virtuoso School. His true identity was found out by evil people, and the truth of the monster coming to earth twenty years ago was eventually emerging...