

  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 克斯汀·邓斯特 艾伦·巴金 艾莉森·珍妮 丹妮丝·理查兹 
  • In a small Minnesota town, the annual beauty pageant is being covered by a TV crew. Former winner GlIn a small Minnesota town, the annual beauty pageant is being covered by a TV crew. Former winner Gladys Leeman wants to make sure her daughter follows in her footsteps. Explosions, falling lights, and trailer fires prove that. As the Leemans are the richest family in town the police are pretty relaxed about it all. Despite everything, main rival (but nice) Amber Atkins won"t be stopped. There could well be more death and disappointment to come.
  • 剧情 音乐 电影 
  • 罗伯特·杜瓦尔 泰丝·哈珀 贝蒂·巴克利 威尔福德·布利姆雷 艾伦·巴金 
  • 92分钟
  • 一个过气落魄的乡村歌手,在人生的道路上尝尽了酸、甜、苦、辣,但真诚的关怀,终于使他再度鼓起勇气面对社会,而不懈的努力也再次赢得大众的尊敬  一个过气落魄的乡村歌手,在人生的道路上尝尽了酸、甜、苦、辣,但真诚的关怀,终于使他再度鼓起勇气面对社会,而不懈的努力也再次赢得大众的尊敬。