

  • 剧情 爱情 电影 
  • 罗翔 苏小妹 陈美行 范范 马征 严仁鲜 李沛霖 张佳浩 孙峰苑 晏妮 
  • 90分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/A影戏讲述了产科医生方昊一段艰辛的求学和追爱之路。有着晕血症的方昊在上大学时,因志愿被调解而学医,几欲废弃医学,但为了和心爱的女生沈悠悠一起,持之以恒的苦恋和自我救赎就此开端,大学生活中方昊和他的奇葩室友闯出一连串啼笑皆非的闹剧,读研讨生时又阴错阳差被分到妇产科偏向,一个先天条件这么差的男生,能否历练成一名优良的产科男医生?能否追到真爱?
  • 悬疑 冒险 电影 
  • 欧上上 韦雨贝 王梓安 胡范范 
  • 主人公高大威、瘦波是一对励志成为神探,却又各种惹是生非的活宝。在一次活动中高大威、瘦波无意缉获了李泰昆收藏的古董,发现并不是一起普通的盗窃案。在一次派对上李泰昆从楼上掉落当场死亡,根据线索查询到了李泰  主人公高大威、瘦波是一对励志成为神探,却又各种惹是生非的活宝。在一次活动中高大威、瘦波无意缉获了李泰昆收藏的古董,发现并不是一起普通的盗窃案。在一次派对上李泰昆从楼上掉落当场死亡,根据线索查询到了李泰昆收藏的铜鼓。随后发现黑社会和不明身份频频对李泰昆出手均和铜鼓有关,高大威根据线索逐步调查下去。随着调查的深入,高大威发现藏在李泰昆古董中的四大神兽铜鼓老祖资料并找到记载地址,与此同时队伍内部中有内鬼与盗墓团队接应,就在此时白毛一伙也随即到达记载地址。在经过重重困难之后高大威能否破解其中的秘密呢?一场斗智斗勇的风暴即将展开。
  • 动作 冒险 悬疑 
  • 欧上上 温川杰 韦雨贝 胡范范 王梓安 陈潇潇 
  • Gao Dawei and Shou Bo have been aspiring to be great detectives, but in reality, they are more like Gao Dawei and Shou Bo have been aspiring to be great detectives, but in reality, they are more like two funny guys who tend to get into various troubles. In an activity, Gao Dawei and Shou Bo seized the antiques of Li Taikun, but it wasn’t a normal case of theft. Li Taikun fell from a building and died in the middle of a party, and clues led to the bronze drum in Li’s collection. It turned out that the bronze drum was the reason why criminal gangs and mysterious people kept coming after Li. As Gao Dawei followed the leads, he found out more information about the ancestor of the Four Sacred Creatures bronze drum, in Li Taikun’s collection, including its location. Meanwhile, it seems like there was a mole in the team who had been in contact with a group of grave robbers. Bai Mao and his men arrived at the spot, too. Can Gao Dawei crack the riddles in the end after so many obstacles? A stormy battle of wit and courage is on the horizon.