

  • 喜剧 动作 电影 
  • 王厦 谭旭 李雨阳 詹牧 刘艾妮 董奎佐 童安格 刘南希 
  • 86分钟
  • 篮球赛事失利之后,江浙大学篮球队的尹秋回了美国读书篮球队输掉比赛又少了一名得力选手,一直一蹶不振。教导主任还一直威胁要解散篮球队。李烈火与高子晴四处寻找优秀的篮球选手,李烈火更是与一名名叫俊川的街头篮  篮球赛事失利之后,江浙大学篮球队的尹秋回了美国读书。篮球队输掉竞赛又少了一名得力选手,不时一蹶不振。教诲主任还不时要挟要解散篮球队。李烈火与高子晴四处寻觅优秀的篮球选手,李烈火更是与一名名叫俊川的街头篮球高手打赌竞赛。在叶子与其父叶老爹的父女关系达成和解之后。至此,江浙大学的篮球队又迎来了新的希望。
  • 电影 
  • 天悦 王思予 董奎佐 钟承恒 
  • 成佳是一名硕士毕业的大龄单身男青年,在母亲的催促下疯狂相亲,相亲的过程可谓是千奇百怪,“笑”果十足。正所谓:只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针,成佳最终凭着自己的真诚抱得美人归。  IT博士程名打算利用一个月假期找到自己的另一半,相亲途中邂逅美女林可欣。林可欣的频频出现将程名相亲局面搅得一团糟,最后反倒收获了自己的爱情……
  • 剧情 动作 
  • 樊少皇 熊欣欣 李牧芸 杨千里 黄益龙 王洪千 高维蔓 沈琳珺 董奎佐 李磊 李振邦 
  • During the Republic of China, the head of a pirate gang, Cai Yan, was framed. He pretended to have aDuring the Republic of China, the head of a pirate gang, Cai Yan, was framed. He pretended to have a memory loss and was taken in by Master Hui Yuan, the Abbot of Southern Shaolin Temple. To protect the folks from the harassment of pirates, the monks of Southern Shaolin Temple were even willing to risk their own lives. It greatly touched Cai Yan, who never had any faith in gods or heaven. In the end, Cai Yan became one of the Fierce Buddha Warriors, the patron of the area.