

  • 电影 
  • 威廉姆·卡特 里克·迪恩 玛利亚·福特 汤米·欣克利 
  • 93
  • 马克(威廉姆·卡特WilliamKatt饰)曾是一名惩奸除恶的警察,却因为鬼迷心窍而走上了邪路,和匪徒暗中勾结里应外合以获取利益。最终,马克的罪行暴露了,他被关进了大牢,好不容易结束了刑期的马克出狱后马克(威廉姆·卡特WilliamKatt饰)曾是一名惩奸除恶的警察,却因为鬼迷心窍而走上了邪路,和匪徒暗中勾结里应外合以获取利益。最终,马克的罪行暴露了,他被关进了大牢,好不容易结束了刑期的马克出狱后才发现,自己的家人竟然被黑帮给杀人灭口了。绝望之中,马克隐姓埋名成为了一名职业杀手,并且默默的发誓总有一天要为自己的妻儿报仇。一天,一个名叫斯坦恩的男人高价雇佣了马克,于是马克来到了布宜诺斯艾利斯。过去的回忆如同鬼魂一般的纠缠着马克,令他痛苦不堪,为了摆脱这种痛苦,他决定用酒精和性麻醉自己。住在隔壁的女人马丽娜(玛利亚·福特MariaFord饰)吸引了马克的注意。
  • 科幻 
  • Michelle von Flotow Jon-Damon Charles Stacey DeSimone 珍妮特·特雷西·凯希尔 
  • Three beautiful young women are tricked and seduced by Lord Isherwood. When their plan for revenge aThree beautiful young women are tricked and seduced by Lord Isherwood. When their plan for revenge accidentally kills him, the Lord's Gypsy protector Natasha places a curse on the three, putting them into a hundred-year sleep. 100 years later, the three are awakened when the American descendants of Lord Isherwood come to visit the family estate. The young ladies want nothing more than to get on with their lives and make up for lost time, but Natasha is not yet ready to let them leave.