

  • 纪录片 电影 
  • 김광석 이상호 박학기 한동준 
  • 82分钟
  • 豆瓣 7.7金光石,韩国著名唱作人,被称为是"歌唱的哲学家",2014年荣获第五届韩国大众文化艺术奖总统表彰。1996年1月6日不幸离世,其死因却不断引发争议,夫人徐海顺坚称其自杀,家人及朋友则提出了他杀的可能,导演李尚浩于今年推出同名纪录片,再次将金光石之死推上舆论的风口浪尖。
  • 剧情 
  • 박채정 
  • April.16, 2014. AM 08:48. Sewol Ferry sunk.’ Exploring what happened about diving bell, one ofApril.16, 2014. AM 08:48. Sewol Ferry sunk.’ Exploring what happened about diving bell, one of the biggest controversies after tragic event, the documentary tries to survive truth from burial by focusing ongoing course of media distortion and bureaucratic intervention in use of diving bell.