

  • 剧情片 电影 
  • 玛利亚·瑞贝罗 保罗·维列纳 克拉丽斯·阿布让拉 乔治·莫特勒 
  • Rosa is in her late thir es. Her parents are divorced. She lives with her own family in an apartmentRosa is in her late thir es. Her parents are divorced. She lives with her own family in an apartment in central São Paulo. Her husband is o en away on research trips that are not par cularly lucra ve, so it’s up to her to support and care for their two daughters. Instead of concentra ng on her calling as a playwright she is obliged to earn a living wri ng adver sing copy for a bathroom ceramics company. Coping with sexual con icts in her rela onship, dealing with problems with her various commissions, but also being obliged to tend to her fragile father’s needy ar s c personality all present an increasing challenge to Rosa. When Rosa’s mother makes a surprising disclosure to her one day, Rosa decides to break out of her usual obliga ons. In so doing she discovers that life holds many surprises in store for her. Laís Bodanzky’s impressively naturalis c lm portrays the lives of three genera ons living in Brazil’s largest city. These are lives caught between individual passions and living the lie. At the heart of the lm is the portrait of a woman engulfed by the permanent demands that are placed upon her who decides to nd out who she really is.
  • 剧情 伦理 电影 
  • 玛利亚·瑞贝罗 保罗·维列纳 
  • 罗莎快40岁了。她的父母离异。而她和而自己的家人住在圣保罗市中心的一座公寓。她的丈夫长年在外出差做研究,所以只有靠她自己来维持家庭并照顾自己的两个女儿。除了从事本职剧作家以外,她还给卫浴陶瓷公司写广告罗莎快40岁了。她的父母离异。而她和而自己的家人住在圣保罗市中心的一座公寓。她的丈夫长年在外出差做研究,所以只有靠她自己来维持家庭并照顾自己的两个女儿。除了从事本职剧作家以外,她还给卫浴陶瓷公司写广告策划。她不仅要处理各种各样的委托问题,还要来照顾虚弱的父亲以及面对日益剧增的挑战。当罗莎的母亲有一天向她透露了一个惊人的秘密之后,她决定不再履行自己的责任。