

  • 科幻 电影 
  • Lisa Bearpark Daniel Epstein Håkan Julander Jennifer Lila Vee Vimolmal 
  • Trapped in a mysterious room with no escape, four brilliant minds race against time to prevent a cosTrapped in a mysterious room with no escape, four brilliant minds race against time to prevent a cosmic collapse of the universe. They must learn to work together and solve the puzzle before it's too late
  • 冒险 搞笑 欧美动漫 动漫 
  • 苏珊 
  • 豆瓣 5.0机器人与怪兽“机械体”与“有机体”生活在一起,其中科技既先进(超等 电脑)又陈旧(少见而神秘的电话),每小我私家 都因为热爱培根而紧密相连一切的中心都是机器人和怪兽二重奏,两个不能再差别 、或不能更忠诚的伙伴。