

  • 动作 悬疑 谍战 罪案 电视 
  • 詹姆斯·斯派德 梅根·布恩 瑞安·艾戈尔德 迭戈·克莱特霍夫 哈里·林尼科斯 jamesspader 
  • 豆瓣 9.0NBC治理 层盛赞该剧是NBC十年来「最强的一部新剧」,并对其远景十分看好。几十年来,外号 「红魔」(Red)的前军事情报官员Raymond Reddington一直是联邦观察 局通缉犯名单上的主要 人物。他为全世界形形色色的罪犯代庖 种种 交易,拉拢 非法生意,被人们称作「犯法 世界的治理 员」。然而令人大跌眼镜的是,他竟然自动向从来没有抓住过他的联邦观察 局「自首」,并提出一个神秘但是惊人的条件:他愿意帮助 联邦政府抓住所有人都以为早就死了的可怕 分子Ranko Zamani,但他只和一个联邦探员对话——Elizabeth “Liz” Keen(Megan Boone),一位方才 停止训练成为联邦观察 局低级 剖析 师的「菜鸟」。Liz被这突如其来的情形搞得一头雾水——这可是她第一天上班啊!
  • 剧情 悬疑 惊悚 犯罪 美国 欧美 电视 
  • 未知
  • 塔尔科特·加兰(Talcott Garland)的父亲去世,打破了他平静的生活。玛丽亚·丹顿(Mariah Denton)曾是一名记者,也是一名狂热的阴谋论者,她质疑加兰父亲的死因,认为他是被谋杀的。塔尔科特·加兰(Talcott Garland)的父亲逝世,打破了他安静的生活。玛丽亚·丹顿(Mariah Denton)曾是一名记者,也是一名狂热的阴谋论者,她质疑加兰父亲的死因,以为他是被谋杀的。
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • Veronica Lang Ricky Martinez Enrique Almirante 
  • 87分钟
  • 当拉蒙发现自己是欧洲圣巴勃罗王国的继承人时,他对成为国王的前景感到气馁。皇家专家安吉莉卡被雇来将拉蒙改造成他注定要成为的国王。当拉蒙发现自己是欧洲圣巴勃罗王国的承袭人时,他对成为国王的前景感到气馁。皇家专家安吉莉卡被雇来将拉蒙改构成他注定要成为的国王。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Quito Rayon Richter 艾尔莎·霍本 Charles François 
  •  Nikolaï was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like Nikolaï was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like to give the sixteen-year-old boy a home, he decides to make one himself. He meets Camille, an intriguing fifteen-year-old wiseacre, and tries to convince her to make a child together. Nikolaï is convinced that he can handle any problem and wants to avoid at all costs that an adult thwarts his plans. Camille and Nikolaï flee together from the home and isolate themselves in the woods. In the heart of this gloomy, mysterious forest, Nikolaï will have to face his first feelings and learn to become a man. Soon, he feels that there are many things he cannot control.
  • 剧情 科幻 冒险 美国 欧美 电视 
  • David Tennant Billie Piper Paul Kasey Freema Agyeman Ruari Mears Catherine Tate Nicholas Briggs Camille Coduri Noel Clarke Christopher Eccleston 
  • 《神秘博士》是一部由英国广播公司出品的长寿英国科幻电视剧。  2005年版的第九任博士是忧郁的战争幸存者,经历了时之战争,他封印了他的种族和敌人戴立克,是唯一活下来的人。  该剧讲述了名为“D《微妙博士》是一部由英国广播公司出品的短命英国科幻电视剧。  2005年版的第九任博士是忧郁的战争幸存者,阅历了时之战争,他封印了他的种族和冤家戴立克,是独一活上去的人。  该剧讲述了名为“Doctor”(克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿 Christopher Eccleston 饰)的微妙外星时间旅游者,随着他的时空机器TARDIS的(Time And Relative Dimensions In Space)冒险故事,他的时空机器外观看上去像1950年代的警亭。博士带着他的同伴罗斯(比莉·派佩 Billie Piper 饰)在时间、空间中探求悠游、打击罪恶力气、援救文明、协助人民、纠正错误、处置各类效果。
  • 欧美 
  • 杰森·沃特金斯 塔拉·戈维亚 罗伯·布莱顿 鲁珀特·格雷夫斯 马汀·坎普 帕齐·肯西特 凯西·泰森 詹姆斯·莫瑞 
  • ITV has greenlit a second series of contemporary detective drama, McDonald & Dodds, following thITV has greenlit a second series of contemporary detective drama, McDonald & Dodds, following the success of the feature-length films which aired earlier this year produced by leading independent production company, Mammoth Screen.The new series sees Tala Gouveia (Cold Feet) and BAFTA award winning actor Jason Watkins (The Lost Honour Of Christopher Jefferies, The Crown) reprise their roles as the ambitious DCI McDonald and the humble, and quietly brilliant DS Dodds in three new murder mysteries. Set in picturesque Bath, the series pairs fiesty DCI McDonald, who has recently transferred from London’s Met Police, with the modest and unassuming DS Dodds, who has been happy in the background for most of his working life. Thrown together seemingly with nothing in common, they forge a rumbustious, and ultimately highly effective crime solving partnership. Created and executive produced by Robert Murphy, who is the lead writer for the series, McDonald & Dodds will once again be filmed in the West Country. The brand new episodes will be directed by Alex Pillai (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Riverdale), Rebecca Rycroft (Malory Towers, Danny and Mick) and Ian Aryeh (In The Long Run, Andy and the Band). The new series has been commissioned by ITV’s Drama Commissioner Huw Kennair Jones and Head of Drama, Polly Hill. Huw will oversee production of the drama from the channel’s perspective. Commented Huw Kennair Jones: “We’re delighted with the audience reaction to the first series of McDonald and Dodds. The two characters couldn’t be further apart, which is what makes the series so intriguing to watch. They shouldn’t have chemistry, but they do, and they work brilliantly in partnership which is testimony to Robert’s script and Tala and Jason for bringing McDonald & Dodds to life.” Commented Mammoth Screen’s Director of Drama, Preethi Mavahalli: “We are thrilled that Robert Murphy’s clever storytelling was a hit with audiences earlier this year. McDonald & Dodds are a quirkily unique investigative team brought to life beautifully by Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins. We’re really pleased ITV have commissioned more films and look forward to returning to film in Bath.” Damien Timmer (Endeavour, Noughts + Crosses, World on Fire) and Preethi Mavahalli (McDonald & Dodds, Noughts + Crosses, The War of the Worlds) are the executive producers for Mammoth Screen, an ITV Studios company, alongside writer Robert Murphy (McDonald & Dodds, Vera, Shetland, DCI Banks). The producer of the new series is Sarah Lewis (Noughts + Crosses, McDonald & Dodds, Victoria). The first series is available to view via streaming platform Britbox. Series one launched with a consolidated rating of 6.4m and a 26% share of the available audience and boasted an impressive guest cast list alongside Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins which included Robert Lindsay, Rosalie Craig, Ellie Kendrick, Susannah Fielding, Joanna Scanlan, Michele Dotrice, Freddie Fox and Hugh Dennis. ITV Studios will distribute the drama internationally.