

  • 纪录 电影 
  • 凯尔·杜拉 Jurgen Schmidhuber Louis Rosenberg 
  • Acclaimed filmmaker Leanne Pooley directs this insightful documentary examining the future of artifiAcclaimed filmmaker Leanne Pooley directs this insightful documentary examining the future of artificial intelligence and the impact it will have on our world. As computers continue to evolve at an ever-greater speed, soon they will have the capacity to design and program themselves. Without the help of humans, the next generation of computers will create new and smarter A.I. at an exponential pace. What will these technological developments mean for the future of mankind? Written by GFC Films
  • 其它 纪录 剧情 
  • Aphton Corbin Pete Docter Louis Gonzales Courtney Casper Kent Erik Langley 
  •  Follows the Pixar's SparkShorts filmmaking process, specifically on the processes of Corbin and Follows the Pixar's SparkShorts filmmaking process, specifically on the processes of Corbin and Gonzales, offering an intimate look as they bring their personal visions to the screen.
  • 纪录 电影 
  • Leanne Allison Tam Flemming Karsten Heuer Zev Heuer Lynda Holland 
  • 电影制作人卡斯滕·雅和琳安·阿利森,带着两岁大的儿子小泽和那只的坚定无畏的小狗威罗, 开始了追寻小说家法利·莫厄特的足迹之旅。他们五千公里的行程徒步跋涉,驾帆航行,转航搬运及划船等等,都一一被拍摄下来电影制作人卡斯滕·雅和琳安·阿利森,带着两岁大的儿子小泽和那只的坚定无畏的小狗威罗, 开始了追寻小说家法利·莫厄特的足迹之旅。他们五千公里的行程徒步跋涉,驾帆航行,转航搬运及划船等等,都一一被拍摄下来。 这个家庭抵达的最终目的——莫厄特先生的在诺瓦·斯科细亚的家。正如卡斯腾所言,“肯定了土地和动物们早己告知我们的真理”。 影片没有经过太多编撰,只是平实的展现了他们的经历。