

  • 欧美 
  • 本·奥德里基 IonaAnderson GrantCrookes SiobhánCullen DylanEdwards 伊芙·海因德 LukeIreland 珀尔·麦基 
  • SilverprintPictures为ITV制造4集新剧《TheLongCall》。本剧改编自《探长薇拉》原著作者AnnCleeves的同名小说,该小说是自她二十年来首个新系列TwoRivers中的SilverprintPictures为ITV制造4集新剧《TheLongCall》。本剧改编自《探长薇拉》原著作者AnnCleeves的同名小说,该小说是自她二十年来首个新系列TwoRivers中的第一本。剧集以英格兰西南部的德文郡为背景。警督MatthewVenn回到德文郡北部,和他的丈夫Jonathan在一个小社区安了新家。二十年前,被家人排挤的Matthew,分开了曾经生长的福音派社区,那是一个要求严峻的社区。如今Matthew回来了,不只仅是站在父亲葬礼举行的教堂外,远远地吊唁,更是为了担任自己的第一桩严重谋杀案。在Matthew新家左近的海滩上发现了一具尸体,一个脖子上有信天翁文身的女子被刺死了。这起案件把Matthew带回到一个潜藏着谋杀和阴谋的社区。而这一切都发作在德文郡北部美丽惊人的海岸线边。《丹斯》编剧K...
  • 欧美 电视 
  • 莫文·克里斯蒂 马修·麦克诺提 约纳斯·阿姆斯特朗 
  • Written by the award-winning Daragh Carville, The Bay is a compelling and beautifully crafted crime Written by the award-winning Daragh Carville, The Bay is a compelling and beautifully crafted crime story rooted in the families and communities of a distinctive coastal town. When Family Liaison Officer Lisa Armstrong (Morven Christie) is assigned to a missing persons investigation, at first it seems like any other – tragic, but all too familiar. But there’s something very different about this particular case. With horror, Lisa realizes she’s got a personal connection with this frightened family; one that could compromise her and the investigation.