

  • 伦理 电影 
  • Sandra Julien 
  • Doris(Sandra Julien饰)被她的朋友强奸,使她对性爱失去了兴趣,为了重拾对性爱的渴望,她踏上了寻找性爱之旅!Doris(Sandra Julien饰)被她的冤家强奸,使她对性爱失掉了兴味,为了重拾对性爱的盼望,她踏上了寻觅性爱之旅!
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Sandra Julien 
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Nicole Debonne Astrid Frank Yves Vincent 
  • "Because Paris is Paris," Swedish art history student Astrid Frank thumbs her way to the C"Because Paris is Paris," Swedish art history student Astrid Frank thumbs her way to the City of Lights with nothing more on her shoulders than a guitar case and a pair of blonde braids. When her friendliness is interpreted by a series of sexual predators as an open invitation to Swedish "free love," Greta retreats into a lesbian relationship with the affluent but lonely Nicole...
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Sabine Rivollier Valérie Boisgel Jenny Astruc Jacqueline Doyen 
  • 杰拉德卡萨诺瓦是,所有的富饶美丽的女人打电话的时候,他们需要多一点那么丈夫给他们的人。杰拉德卡萨诺瓦是,一切的富饶美丽的女人打电话的时分,他们需求多一点那么丈夫给他们的人。
  • 伦理 
  • Sandra Julien 
  • 别名:Je suis une nymphomane  别名:Je suis une nymphomane