

  • 动漫场 动漫 
  • 内详 
  • The story of 100% Wolf centers on Freddy Lupin, the heir to a proud family line of werewolves. DespeThe story of 100% Wolf centers on Freddy Lupin, the heir to a proud family line of werewolves. Desperate to become a werewolf himself, Freddy is in for a shock when on his 13th birthday his first “transwolfation” goes awry, turning him into a ferocious … poodle. Just when Freddy thinks life can’t get any worse, he’s groomed against his will, chased into the streets and thrown into dog prison. Can Freddy and his new streetwise friend, Batty, escape? Who is the sinister man following his every move? Despite his pink and fluffy exterior, can Freddy prove he’s still 100% wolf?
  • 动画 电影 
  • KodiSmit-McPhee NoahTaylor RichardRoxburgh JackiWeaver MiriamMargolyes AndyMcPhee JustineClar 
  • 78分钟(法国)
  • 豆瓣 6.9 / IMDB 6.0玛雅是一只与众差别的小蜜蜂,一诞生就对身边的一切充斥好奇。她不能懂得蜜蜂世界不足为奇的规矩,也不想只是乖乖遵照划定。玛雅想要知道所有的事情,总是不绝地问为什么。她盼望自己独立生涯,盼望摸索未知的世界。终于有一天她分开了故乡,到遥远的处所去探险,而挚友也参加她的旅程。这一路上玛雅遇见各式百般奇形怪状的昆虫,也看见了大自然的奇妙与漂亮:快活的、伤心的、惊险的、有趣的……