

  • 纪录片 运动 纪录 剧情 电影 
  • Steve McNair 
  • 57分钟
  • This documentary tracks the rise of legendary NFL quarterback Steve McNair and the perplexing detailThis documentary tracks the rise of legendary NFL quarterback Steve McNair and the perplexing details surrounding his shocking murder in 2009.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Fatin Afeefa Farah Ahmad 亨齐·安达拉斯 Chi Azim Shah Iskandar Amai Kamarudin Mubarak Majid Aprena Manrose Bell Ngasri Halim Sabir 
  • Based on true events that happened in Singapore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers aBased on true events that happened in Singapore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers are on strike for better pay and to support workers who have been sacked, they organised a variety show to collect funds and donations. During the show, Malaysian film legend P Ramlee and his best friend Jamil Sulong wrote an iconic Raya song (Festival song) that is still sung tod...
  • 欧美 剧情 欧美剧 电视 
  • 帕敏德·纳格拉 劳拉·普沃 莉莎·麦格里利斯 
  • 60min
  • It tells the story of three doctors returning to post-pandemic frontline medicine after maternity leIt tells the story of three doctors returning to post-pandemic frontline medicine after maternity leave, having to balance the demands of the NHS and being a parent.
  • 动作 科幻 冒险 电影 
  • 卡斯帕·凡·迪恩 乔琳纳·布拉洛克 Stephen Hogan 
  • 105 分钟
  • 一晃十年过去,地球人和虫族的战争如火如荼,愈演愈烈。某日,空军元帅奥玛•阿诺克(斯蒂芬•霍根 Stephen Hogan 饰)来地球人的远方农场罗库山视察,时任上校的强尼•瑞克(加斯帕•范•迪恩 Ca  一晃十年过去,地球人和虫族的战争如火如荼,愈演愈烈。某日,空军元帅奥玛•阿诺克(斯蒂芬•霍根StephenHogan饰)来地球人的远方农场罗库山视察,时任上校的强尼•瑞克(加斯帕•范•迪恩CasperVanDien饰)也一同前来。在此时期,阿诺克的心智被虫王操控,他切断了隔离区的电力,使基地完全失掉维护。是夜,虫族对隔离区发起总攻,地球军虽顽强抵抗,终因寡不敌众而告败,基地陷落。阿诺克则和一干心腹逃离,飞船迫降在OM-1行星。  瑞克因尽职被军事法庭判处绞刑,行刑之际被政府秘密部门救下。阿诺克知晓联邦舰队基地所在地的秘密,一旦被虫族得知将不堪想象。因此政府高层要求瑞克带上一队人马,前去营救受困的阿诺克……
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • Jaime Hill Lucas Paul Ross Paul 
  • 100分钟
  • Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windowsTwo children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished.