

  • 剧情 电影 
  • Karyna Khymchuk Maksym Myhayilychenko Natalia Lazebnikova Oleksandr Zhyla Daria Palagnyuk Andriy Shabanov 
  • 90分钟
  • One has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growing up. Kira becomes adultOne has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growing up. Kira becomes adult briskly, watching her family and soviet childhood smashing into pieces. So does Ukraine in the early 90th, launching painful process of transformation into an independent country.
  • 海外 欧美 
  • Andriy Haddad 
  •  April, 1986. Pripyat, Ukraine. A core meltdown occurred at Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Power Plant.  April, 1986. Pripyat, Ukraine. A core meltdown occurred at Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Power Plant. Over thirty people died during the blast but the estimated death toll as a result of the radiation fallout will reach a four-digit number. This accident will be considered the world's largest ecological disaster. Set at ground zero of a catastrophe, this film will reveal the details of the Chernobyl event. The shocking news of the explosion at the nuclear plant has spread, as the world watched the tragedy in fear and confusion. Hearts went out to those who displayed selfless courage and integrity in the initial efforts to stabilize the reactor power. But some were too busy being in love to notice what had just happened in nearby Chernobyl. The disaster has faded into the background...
  • 剧情 
  • Vasyl Antoniak Liudmyla Bileka Andriy Rymaruk 
  • 2025年,戰爭結束的一年後,烏克蘭軍人塞吉回到現實生活創傷後的日子並不容易,工廠主管嫌棄、同袍輕生、關廠失業,連家裡的熨斗都不论用,只能在野外猛射人形靶發洩。失業的他因緣際會参与挖尋軍人遺體的「黑色2025年,戰爭結束的一年後,烏克蘭軍人塞吉回到現實生活創傷後的日子並不容易,工廠主管嫌棄、同袍輕生、關廠失業,連家裡的熨斗都不论用,只能在野外猛射人形靶發洩。失業的他因緣際會参与挖尋軍人遺體的「黑色鬱金香」計畫,認識了志工卡蒂亞,在荒蕪廢地挖掘的同時,也像掏挖著滿是創傷的自己,打開被戰爭所侵蝕的腐肉,希冀能長出生活的勇氣。
  • 剧情 战争 电影 
  • 安德烈·阿布里科索夫 马尔克·别尔涅斯 Mikhail Derzhavin Pyotr Andriyevsky Yuri Tolubeyev Aleksandr Zrazhevsky 
  • 这是一部以斯大林格勒保卫战为题材的故事片。该片获1946年戛纳国际电影节特别大奖,获1946年苏联国家奖金。它的特点是战斗场面很少,绝大部分戏是在指挥部的狭小房间内展开的,主人公是红军高级司令员,因此这是一部以斯大林格勒保卫战为题材的故事片。该片获1946年戛纳国际电影节特别大奖,获1946年苏联国家奖金。它的特点是战斗场面很少,绝大部分戏是在指挥部的狭小房间内展开的,主人公是红军高级司令员,因此有关辩论说,这部影片创造一种“新的心理影片”类型。