

  • 电影 
  • Amalia Holm Molly Nutley Felice Jankell Rebecka Nyman 
  • 83
  • WhenAlenaarrivesatherneweliteboardingschool,Filippaandtheothergirlsstarttoharassher.ButAlena'sbestfrWhenAlenaarrivesatherneweliteboardingschool,Filippaandtheothergirlsstarttoharassher.ButAlena'sbestfriendJosefinwon'tlethertakeanymorebeating.Ifshewon'tstrikeback,Josefinwilldoitforher.Hard.
  • 微电影 爱情 电影 
  • 帕特里克·斯威兹兰迪·特拉维斯加布里·卡瑟BrianKelly 
  • 21
  • 讲述本事业有成,婚姻美满的鹏,因为一念之差,某日鹏被邀请至KTV玩乐,面对兴致高涨的朋友递过来的毒品,他犹豫了。遂于毒品漩涡中泥足深陷,好友伟一片担心为朋友却阴差阳错把鹏推向鬼门关。讲述本事业有成,婚讲述本事业有成,婚姻美满的鹏,因为一念之差,某日鹏被邀请至KTV玩乐,面对兴致高涨的朋友递过来的毒品,他犹豫了。遂于毒品漩涡中泥足深陷,好友伟一片担心为朋友却阴差阳错把鹏推向鬼门关。讲述本事业有成,婚姻美满的鹏,因为一念之差,某日鹏被邀请至KTV玩乐,面对兴致高涨的朋友递过来的毒品,他犹豫了。遂于毒品漩涡中泥足深陷,好友伟一片担心为朋友却阴差阳错把鹏推向鬼门关。
  • 动作 电影 
  • 马迪斯·兰德维尔 Denise Ankel Katharina Sporrer Horst-Günter Marx 
  • Germany refuses to receive any more refugees. The only way to obtain citizenship is to survive the pGermany refuses to receive any more refugees. The only way to obtain citizenship is to survive the popular TV show 'Immigration Game'. Whoever participates as a 'Runner' will be abandoned on the outskirts of Berlin and must make their way to the television tower at Alexanderplatz. For a prize money every German citizen may chase and eventually kill the refugees entirely unpunished...