

  • 剧情 惊悚 电影 
  • Anders W. Berthelsen Maria Bonnevie Ghita Nørby Henning Jensen Lars Mikkelsen 
  • Germany: 9
  • 托马斯的妹妹在一次事故中神秘死去,而妹妹的死亡很可能与他们过世父亲参加的一项秘密军事研究有关。托马斯随即展开了调查,不料却让自己和家人都陷入了极大的危险之中。一伙不明身份的人开始对他们展开了天罗地网式  托马斯的妹妹在一次事故中神秘死去,而妹妹的死亡很可能与他们过世父亲参加的一项秘密军事研究有关。托马斯随即展开了调查,不料却让自己和家人都陷入了极大的危险之中。一伙不明身份的人开始对他们展开了天罗地网式的监察。
  • 伦理 电影 
  • Nicole Debonne Astrid Frank Yves Vincent 
  • "Because Paris is Paris," Swedish art history student Astrid Frank thumbs her way to the C"Because Paris is Paris," Swedish art history student Astrid Frank thumbs her way to the City of Lights with nothing more on her shoulders than a guitar case and a pair of blonde braids. When her friendliness is interpreted by a series of sexual predators as an open invitation to Swedish "free love," Greta retreats into a lesbian relationship with the affluent but lonely Nicole...