- 类型:喜剧 动作 电影
- 主演:乔凡娜·朗切罗蒂 Ademara Sophia Valverde Raphael Vicente Leticia Pedro Igor Jansen érico Brás Mariana Xavier Diogo Almeida 马尔塞洛·梅迪奇 巴布·桑塔纳 Estevam Nabote Leandro Villa Angela Dip Miguel Falabella Scheila Carvalho Scheila Mello 田中罗娜 Cha Quente
- 时长:86分钟
- 详细介绍:In order to get evidence for her case and dismantle a criminal organization, an uptight undercover cIn order to get evidence for her case and dismantle a criminal organization, an uptight undercover cop crashes a high school graduation trip to a party-heavy beach in Brazil.详情
- 类型:剧情 电影
- 主演:Lucas Davi de Los Santos Alves Náthali Cardoso Fernanda Carvalho Leite Fernanda Chicolet Arlete Cunha Pandora da Costa Manuel Vanigli de Carvalho Maria Paula Barea de Castro Bruna Minvielle do Amaral Pedro Farias Renan Winkler Farias Cau? Furtado Kethelen
- 时长:96分钟
- 详细介绍:十二岁的阿曼达是一名游泳运动员。她非常安静而又内向,着迷于游泳,因为她在水下全然的私密空间中找到了独一无二的安全感。阿曼达没有父母关心,于是把大部分时间都泡在游泳池里,不断训练。也许游泳是她唯一一件真十二岁的阿曼达是一名游泳运发起。她十分安静而又外向,着迷于游泳,由于她在水下全然的私密空间中找到了无独有偶的平安感。阿曼达没有父母关心,于是把大局部时间都泡在游泳池里,不时训练。也许游泳是她唯逐一件真正喜欢做的事,她想要做好,想要成功。普莉希拉是游泳队里的明星,如今却成 为了阿曼达的对手。她们之间的竞赛从泳池拓展到了生活中的方方面面,一场巧妙的角力就此拉开序幕。详情
- 类型:恐怖
- 主演:David Barry Baro Carvalho Christianne Cicilio
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:The Gateway Meat is a disturbing and sadistic film, that strays far from the normal conventions of tThe Gateway Meat is a disturbing and sadistic film, that strays far from the normal conventions of the horror genre. It is about a group of Satanists, living in a quaint, coastal fishing town. As the film progresses we get to know the character played by DeCaro himself, Markus. The film is mainly about how Markus struggles as he tries to deal with the great expectations that are placed on him after his fathers death. Markus' father, who was a Satanist, was trying to open up a portal into hell. Now that he is gone, Markus must take the reigns, and gain the power that his father wanted. With the help of his family and a couple of friends, Markus murders his way to power, as his young, preschool aged daughter watches."详情
- 类型:欧美 电视
- 主演:Enzo Barone Pedro Carvalho Danilo Mesquita Cláudia Okuno Mariana Sena
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:道格拉斯·佩特瑞(《捍卫者联盟》)将执导Netflix巴西原创超自然惊悚剧集《Spectros》,故事产生 在圣保罗的利贝尔达迪,将围绕五名青少年展开,他们无意中卷入了一个他们无法理解的,又与1908道格拉斯·佩特瑞(《捍卫者联盟》)将执导Netflix巴西原创超自然惊悚剧集《Spectros》,故事产生 在圣保罗的利贝尔达迪,将围绕五名青少年展开,他们无意中卷入了一个他们无法理解的,又与1908年该镇的同一地区 联系在一起的不可思议的现实中。面对越来越离奇和严峻的事件,他们将得出一个深不可测的结论:有人带回了死者,而那些灵魂想要为过去的错误报仇。 详情
- 类型:喜剧
- 主演:丹妮尔·温特斯 阿雷·丰托拉 莱昂德罗·哈森 迪亚哥·拉赛尔达 玛丽亚·格拉迪斯 格劳瑞·皮尔丝 小丹尼尔 托尼·拉莫斯 Lavínia·Vlasak Carla·Daniel 乔治·费尔南多 安东尼娅·弗林 Denis·Carvalho 帕特里夏·皮拉 格洛丽亚·梅内塞斯 Maria·Ceiça Helena·Fernandes Lara·Rodrigues Marcela·Muniz Luisa·Moraes
- 时长:108分钟
- 详细介绍:The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years,The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, ...详情
- 类型:欧美 电视
- 主演:艾瑞卡·林德 Lia Carvalho
- 时长:
- 详细介绍:How far can a father go to guarantee a world ofhappiness to his daughter?Lisbon is the elected city How far can a father go to guarantee a world ofhappiness to his daughter?Lisbon is the elected city for the series. Elected forits natural beauty, for its river Tejo and the proximityto the ocean, the constant and unshakableinspiration of the people,narrow streets and avenues and for its typical neighborhoods full of untoldstories. The characters of "Lisboa Azul" meet in thecity to untie the knots of a series that happens in a day. The day when everything changes. 详情
- 类型:恐怖 犯罪 电影
- 主演:SarahJohn 德里克·尼尔森 VickiGlover CiaronDavies BrendeeGreen MeganLockhurst LeeBane CassandraHodges AlexeiLiss LeeMarkJones MelissaHollett RogerCarvalho DianaFranz DarrenSwain TravisBooth-Millard SvendEmilJacobsen PeterSvatik MattHoulihan MichaelDavid NiamhMcE
- 时长:90分钟
- 详细介绍:豆瓣 N/AInthisuniquetakeontheinfamousMansonmurderswefollowtwogenerationsofchillingreallifeeventswhichoccurat10050CieloDrive,oneofAmerica'smostnotoriousaddresses.详情