

  • 科幻 电影 
  • Levi Fiehler Jenna Galleher Taylor M. Graham Tom Sandoval 
  • 时值二战时期,一心希望参战却遭到母亲阻止的丹尼在叔叔的租房打工的时候认识一位木偶师,木偶师拥有让木偶自己动起来的神奇力量。而纳粹也看中了这种力量想夺为己用。好心的丹尼把木偶们带回在唐人街的自己家里修理时价二战时期,一心停整理参战却遭到母亲阻拦的丹尼在叔叔的租房打工的时分观念一位木偶师,木偶师拥有让木偶本人动起来的神奇力气。而纳粹也看中了这类力气想夺为己用。好意的丹尼把木偶们带回在唐人街的本人家里缮治,可是日本人和德国人已经混出来,纳粹大战木偶的故事就此展开......
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • Antonio Zuñiga Carlos Manuel Vesga Adrian Uribe José Sefami Alicia Sandoval Julieth Restrepo Iván Olivares 
  • ¿How far does a soccer fan go for his beloved national team? Mariano Cárdenas (Adrian Uribe), a marr¿How far does a soccer fan go for his beloved national team? Mariano Cárdenas (Adrian Uribe), a married man and a civil servant, shows us that crossing the line when supporting the national team is a must. Mexico and the USA are in the final qualifying match for the 2018 World Cup. Mariano is committed to giving everything he has, including his time and relationship with his wife, to be present in the game because he is convinced that his presence in the stadium is the only thing factor that will guarantee the victory. Everything is ready and organized for the big day. Unfortunately, plans change when Mariano learns of the death of his uncle, with whom he lived and with whom he wagered a large bet on the team. Mariano is torn between being at the funeral or escaping to accompany the team. Thanks to the decision he makes, he loses his job, his wife, his home but his heart is full as Mexico qualifies for the World Cup.