

  • 动作 
  • Scott Cordes Annie Tedesco Caroline Vinciguerra Dan Nichols David Fritts 
  • Daniel loses his wife and son in a car accident. While slowly recovering from his injuries, he rebuiDaniel loses his wife and son in a car accident. While slowly recovering from his injuries, he rebuilds his son's video camera that was destroyed in the crash. Infused with power from the moment of the crash, the camera develops the ability to stop time when Daniel presses the pause button. This discovery restores Daniel's purpose, and he fills the vacuum in his life by taking responsibility for another victim, Sarah, a newlywed who lost her husband in the same accident. At first Daniel only watches her, then tries to improve her life in small ways. But using his power to "help" becomes an addiction, and the vastness of Daniel's power can do only one thing...corrupt him
  • 纪录片 犯罪 电视 
  • JamieBernadette TerryFritts ChristineEstabrook 
  • 1小时
  • 所谓日防夜防,家贼难防。伉俪之间,本应是最密切,最坦诚的干系,可谁都想不到,最终杀戮自己的,竟是每天与同床共枕的那小我私家。本片讲述了一些女性为何要将其爱人残暴杀戮,将神圣美妙的结婚誓言沦落为一场噩梦所谓日防夜防,家贼难防。伉俪之间,本应是最密切,最坦诚的干系,可谁都想不到,最终杀戮自己的,竟是每天与同床共枕的那小我私家。本片讲述了一些女性为何要将其爱人残暴杀戮,将神圣美妙的结婚誓言沦落为一场噩梦,惨剧的故事。